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North Planning Committee Looks at Lots of Energy Related Applications Today

12th March 2025

The agenda today for the North Planning applications committee has plenty to think about and decide for energy type applications from wind farms to battery storage. various other applications are also on the agenda.

The full agenda -

5. Major Developments - Pre-application consultations
Leasachaidhean Mòra - Co-chomhairle Ro-iarrtais

Description: Proposed temporary workers residential accommodation, including welfare facilities, associated infrastructure and other ancillary development (25/00174/PAN) (PLN/009/25)
Ward: 10 - Eilean A' Cheò
Applicant: Balfour Beatty
Site Address: Land 450M East Of Crowlin, Ashaig, Breakish

Description: Proposed installation of a Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS) capable of exporting up to 500 megawatts (MW) on land approximately 1.65 kilometres (km) southeast of Lower Dounreay (24/05329/PAN) (PLN/010/25)
Ward: 02 Thurso And North West Caithness
Applicant: Green Switch Capital
Site Address: Land 415M SW Of Shean Cottage 10 Upper Dounreay Thurso.

6. Plahnning Applications to be Determined
Iarrtasan Dealbhaidh rin Dearbhad

There are circulated Reports Nos PLN/011/25 to PLN/0**/25 by the Area Planning Manager - North which are as follows:-

Applicant: Offshore Wind Power Limited (OWPL) (23/04930/S36) (PLN/011/25)
Location: Land 50KM NW Of Pennyland Primary School, Trostan Road, Thurso (Ward 02).
Nature of Development: West of Orkney Wind Farm - Erection and operation of an offshore wind farm for a period of 30 years, comprising of 125 fixed bottom wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 360m, cabling and associated ancillary offshore infrastructure.
Recommendation: RAISE NO OBJECTION

Applicant: Sallachy Wind Farm Limited (24/04118/S42) (PLN/012/25)
Location: Land At Sallachy Estate, Lairg (Ward 01).
Nature of Development: Sallachy Wind Farm - Application under Section 42 for non-compliance with Conditions 15 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 25 (Removal of Redundant Turbines) and to amend wording of Conditions 1, 3(i) and 12 of planning permission 21/01615/FUL.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Potencia Energy Limited (23/05424/FUL) (PLN/013/25)
Location: Land 170m southeast of Mybster Croft, Spittal (Ward 03).
Nature of Development: Erection and operation of a 47MW capacity battery energy storage facility, comprising containerized battery storage units, inverters, transformers, switch room, site access, landscaping, fencing and ancillary infrastructure.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Mr Ross Lambie (24/02890/MSC) (PLN/014/25)
Location: Land 90m SW Of Tigh Na Greine, Broadford (Ward 10).
Nature of Development: Erection of house.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Telefonica UK Limited (24/02818/FUL) (PLN/015/25)
Location: Land 3025m NE of Heights Cottage, Incheril, Kinlochewe (Ward 05).
Nature of Development: Installation of 25m high lattice tower with shared antennas, dish antennas, associated cabinets and ancillary apparatus and installation of "backup" generator within a fenced compound.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Telefonica UK Limited (24/04147/FUL) (PLN/016/25)
Location: Land 3.4Km SW of Aultdearg, Lochluichart, Garve (Ward 05).
Nature of Development: Erection of a 25m tall lattice telecommunications tower, 2no. shared antennas, 4no. transmission dishes, with 3no. associated equipment cabinets, formation of access and off grid generator within a fenced compound and other associated ancillary apparatus and development thereto
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Ecocel Energy (Storage) Ltd (24/00561/FUL) (PLN/017/25)
Location: Land 500M East Of Glengolly Farmhouse, Thurso (Ward 02).
Nature of Development: Proposed development of a battery energy storage system with a capacity of 49.9MW comprising storage containers, control building, transformers, fencing, CCTV, access, landscaping and associated works on land 500m east of Glengolly Farmhouse, Thurso, KW14 7XL.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Fig Power Ltd (24/02827/FUL) (PLN/018/25)
Location: Land 100M East Of Caithness Flagstone Limited, Spittal Mains Quarry, Spittal (Ward 03).
Nature of Development: Erection and operation of battery energy storage system (BESS) up to 49.9MW, substations, control buildings, landscaping, fencing and ancillary infrastructure.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Mr Gary Robinson (24/01710/FUL) (PLN/019/25)
Location: Land 75M NW Of Pollbreac, Coldwell, North Kessock (Ward 09).
Nature of Development: Erection of house and garage
Recommendation: REFUSE

Applicant: Mr George Henderson (24/03303/FUL) (PLN/019/26)
Location: Land 165M NE Of Northwood, Alcaig, Conon Bridge (Ward 09).
Nature of Development: Erection of house.
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Capstone Connect (23/05466/FUL) (PLN/020/25)
Location: Land 190M East Of House Of Rosskeen, Invergordon (Ward 06).
Nature of Development: Erection of 66 no dwelling houses comprising 2 storey, 2, 3, and 4 bed flats and villas with associated road, drainage and services with various landscaped recreation areas and retained woodland
Recommendation: GRANT

Applicant: Mrs Michelle Schofield (23/00969/FUL) (PLN/021/25)
Location: Land 30M East Of Willofield, Woodlands, Dingwall (Ward 06).
Nature of Development: Siting of 6 modular buildings for workers
accommodation (retrospective)
Recommendation: GRANT

6.13 to follow
Applicant: Tulloch Homes Ltd (23/02245/MSC) (PLN/022/25)
Location: Land 150M West Of Wyndhill Industrial Estate, Muir Of Ord (Ward 06).
Nature of Development: Erection of 60 residential units to Phase 1 (private and
affordable) (discharge of Planning Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 & 18
attached to planning permission ref. 19/00233/S42)

6.14 to follow
Applicant: Port Of Cromarty Firth Development (25/00638/MAR) (PLN/023/25)
Location: Site At Queens Dock, Shore Road, Invergordon (Ward 08).
Nature of Development: Invergordon Service Base Phase 5 - Erection and operation of a 450m long berth, comprising land reclamation to create quayside and laydown space for a multiuse facility, targeting component storage, assembly, and pre-commissioning of fully integrated offshore wind turbines, with capacity to accommodate up to 3 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 330m to blade tip above mean sea level, heavy load pad to facilitate a ring crane of up to 250m in height, crawler cranes, berth with Roll-on Roll-off capability, dredging and ancillary infrastructure including lighting.

7. Decision of Appeals to the Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division
Co-dhùnadh mu Iarrtas do Bhuidheann-stiùiridh Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson Lùth agus Atharrachadh Aimsir

Applicant: Garvary Wind Farm Limited (21/01921/S36) (WIN-270-20)
Location: Land 4600M NE Of Invershin Community Hall Invershin
Nature of Development: Erection and Operation of a Wind Farm Comprising 25 Wind Turbines, Access Tracks, Up To 4 Borrow Pits, Substation, Battery Storage Compound, Control Building, 2 Meteorological Masts, And Ancillary Infrastructure.

The Committee is invited to note the decision of the Scottish Ministers to grant consent under s36 of the Electricity Act 1989 for the reasons indicated in the enclosed decision letter.

Applicant:Energiekontor UK Ltd (WIN-270-18) (22/02717/S36)
Location: Strath Oykel Forest, Situated on Land 1700M SW Of Oape Ardgay, IV27
Nature of Development: Application Under S36 Of the Electricity Act 1989 To Install and Operate Strath Oykel Wind Farm Comprising of Up To 11 Wind Turbines, With A Generation Capacity Likely To Be Up To Approximately 72.6 Mw, 5Mw Battery Storage And Associated Infrastructure
The Committee is invited to note the decision of the Scottish Ministers to grant consent under s36 of the Electricity Act 1989 for the reasons indicated in the enclosed decision letter.

To read the full applications go HERE

To watch the webcast of the meeting go HERE
The meeting starts at 9:30am and will also be available as recording after the meeting for one year.