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Household Water Charges Frozen

25th January 2012

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Secretary Alex Neil today welcomed news that Scottish Water will freeze household water charges for 2012-13.

In April 2012 household water charges will remain frozen, which means water charges have remained at the same level for four years.

The average household charge will remain at £324 - the same level it was in 2009-10.

As part of its regulatory contract agreed for the five years from 2010-2015 Scottish Water will deliver a massive investment programme supporting thousands of jobs across Scotland.

Alex Neil said:"Scottish Water is performing well as a public sector organisation.

"Its decision to freeze charges represents excellent news for customers at a time when households across Scotland are confronted by an increased cost of living.

"With this latest freeze, household water charges in Scotland are amongst the lowest in Great Britain, which demonstrates the benefits of Scottish Water remaining a public sector organisation.

"I have agreed with Scottish Water an objective to provide one of the best value-for-money water and sewerage packages in the UK by 2015."