Social Enterprise Short Courses
28th October 2012
More and more people in the third sector are seeing social enterprise as a way forward. Taking a day or two out of your work routine to think about social enterprise and learn from your peers and practitioners is a great way of developing ideas. The Social Enterprise Academy has a number of short programmes coming up in the north:
Measuring Social Impact - Aberdeen - Nov 8 - email gordon[AT]
Marketing Your Social Enterprise - Isle of Mull - Nov 8&9 - no cost - email kate[AT]
Understanding Social Enterprise - Isle of Gigha - Nov 10&11 - no cost - email kate[AT]
Understanding Social Enterprise (for people from environmental organisations) - Inverness - Nov 15&16 - no cost, and travel & accom costs may be met - email rachel.donnachie[AT]
Pre-Start Leadership - Aberdeen - Nov 30 - email gordon[AT]