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Biomass System Installed At Island School

29th October 2012

Photograph of Biomass System Installed At Island School

The Highland Council's drive to cut down carbon emissions has benefited one island primary school. Over the October school holidays Eigg Primary has had a new biomass boiler commissioned at a cost of £44,000 to provide heat and hot water to the school from wood logs which a company based on the island will supply.

Eigg Primary has been targeted for improvements because of issues at the 10 pupil school of operating sufficient heating with a limited supply of electricity. During the project the Council liaised closely with the school and the local community to find the best solution.

As well as providing the heating and hot water to the school building the installation of the boiler brings wider economic benefits to the Isle of Eigg. A company on the island set up two years ago to supply the low cost, local, clean fuel will be providing logs to the school to help create a home grown, sustainable heat generation that fits with the ethos of the island.

The Council now has 58 biomass plants in operation across the Highlands but this is the first log burning system installed at a school. The other boilers at schools use wood chips but due to the location of the school and the available wood on the island a log burning system was chosen as the best option.

As well as providing cleaner fuel, the new plant is expected to cut down on the running cost of the school and reduce the carbon emissions by 65 tonnes each year against a more conventional heating system.

Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Drew Hendry said: "We are committed to reducing energy costs and making greater use of renewable energy technology so it is great news that on the Isle of Eigg we have a win, win situation. By introducing this new biomass system at the School we are cutting emissions and at the same time helping to support a local business as we will be significant customers for the logs they provide. This self- sufficiency means the supply and delivery of fuel for the biomass is as local as it can get.

"I am sure the staff and pupils will benefit from having a warmer environment to work in and they will also notice significant reductions in the running costs for their school."