European Support For Youth Guarantee
19th January 2013
A guaranteed education training or employment opportunity for all 16-24 year olds across Europe has moved step closer this week following a vote in the European Parliament.
Scottish Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance has welcomed the European Parliament’s overwhelming vote in favour of a resolution calling on EU Employment Ministers to agree that a Youth Guarantee be introduced in all Member States.
The Guarantee would provide all 16-24 year olds an opportunity within four months of leaving education or becoming unemployed.
Angela Constance said:"Having met representatives from Finland and Austria which have implemented their own Youth Guarantees, as well as the European Youth Forum, I have heard clear evidence of the benefits that a programme rolled out across Europe could bring.
"The support shown by the European Parliament for the Youth Guarantee shows good progress, and I am keen to look at how we might extend our Opportunities for All offer, which currently applies to all 16-19 year olds in Scotland.
"I initiated discussions with UK Government Ministers to discuss the UK's position on the proposal following a visit to Brussels in November and have also met with the Commission's Director General for Employment on the issue late last year.
"I look forward to participating in various events focused on youth employment during the Irish Presidency of the EU."
The Moving Young People into Employment proposal is as follows:
- urges Member States to adopt the proposal for a Council Recommendation on establishing a Youth Guarantee;
- calls on social partners to work towards a Quality Framework for Traineeships (ie work experience placements and internships) to ensure that they provide young people with high-quality work experience under safe conditions;
- recommends setting up a European Alliance for Apprenticeships to share good practice on the quality and supply of apprenticeships; and
- launching a stakeholder consultation on supporting the mobility of young jobseekers across Europe.
EU Employment Ministers will meet in February to discuss the proposal.