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Money Available In Scotland To Relieve The Beroom Tax

8th April 2014

The Scottish Government has finally yielded to Scottish Labour and popular pressure and made funds available to effectively end the Bedroom Tax in Scotland.

With little fanfare, the Scottish Government wrote to councils a couple of weeks ago to tell them to grant all requests made for Discretionary Housing Payments. These payments are for people who are struggling with the additional costs as a result of the tax and are the way in which councils and housing associations can effectively cancel out any shortfall in money.

Previously, the SNP told everyone that they couldn’t do this. John Swinney said that he wanted to keep our most vulnerable at risk of losing their homes because he didn’t want to let Westminster “off the hook”. It was shocking to see the SNP play politics with our poorest.

Scottish Labour offered the SNP a solution. Housing Associations and Labour councils had offered a way to protect all their tenants. Jackie Baillie, our social justice spokesperson had introduced a members bill to prevent any Bedroom Tax evictions in Scotland. Still, the SNP wouldn’t move. Finally, after huge pressure, the SNP relented. They have made the money available.

Highlands & Islands (Labour) MSP David Stewart said “ Not many people will know about Scottish Labour’s success in achieving this concession from the SNP Government. Tenants across the Highlands & Islands can now make requests for Discretionary Housing Payments to cover the money they’re losing as a result of the Bedroom Tax. Local Authorities can now make these payments knowing they will get the money back from the Scottish Government. So if you are affected by the Bedroom Tax –apply to your local council for these payments. Don’t wait – there is a solution available now.