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SEPA Seeking Views On Waste Management Regulations

2nd April 2007

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Scottish Executive today launched a consultation exercise in a bid to find out how the current regulations governing waste management could be improved.

The Better Regulation of Waste initiative aims to determine if existing guidelines are effective and support Scotland's commitment to increase recycling rates and reduce the reliance on landfill.

During the three-month consultation period industry representatives and interest groups will be invited to give their views on the current regulatory framework. Environment Minister Ross Finnie said: "Controlling the way we deal with waste is an essential to protect human health and the environment. Regulatory controls on how we handle and dispose of waste are necessary, but to be fully effective they must be clear and concise. We have already improved and refined the existing regulatory regime, but we are aware
that the complex nature of some of the legislation is a note of frustration for sections of the waste industry. This consultation seeks views on how the existing system could be simplified, whilst retaining the high levels of protection within the current legislative and regulatory system."

SEPA Chief Executive Campbell Gemmell said: "Waste regulation has played an important role in managing and improving Scotland's environment for many years. However, there is recognition by both regulators and regulated industries that some elements have become overly fragmented and complicated, leading to a growing sense of frustration.

"The Better Waste Regulation initiative will contribute significantly to SEPA's regulatory system meeting increasing challenges, and making a positive contribution to sustainable development.

"By carrying out a full critical review of our current waste regulatory instruments and systems we can identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to modernise and streamline, targeting SEPA's resources towards areas of greatest priority.

"Success will depend heavily on the active involvement of all those with a stake in the waste management industry, so I would urge them to take part in this consultation.

"I would also stress that this will not be a one-off communication, we view this as forming part of the foundations of a longer and enduring process of partnership with the waste management industry. This will result in an efficient and effective system for waste regulation through a shared commitment to deliver a safe, healthy and profitable Scotland for both present and future generations to enjoy."

The Better Regulation of Waste consultation document can be viewed at:


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