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Queen's Baton Relay For Commonwealth Games 9th - 12th 2014

7th July 2014

Queen's Baton Relay Route in Highland 9th - 12th July 2014

Wednesday 9th July

Ullapool Ferry in at 9am Baton Bearing starts 0925
Route follows from pier, along Shore St and Mill St to Morefield. Visits Macphail Centre - Ullapool High School
Short welcome and photo opp at Pier.
Storytelling, Singing,etc at Macphail Centre. Children's activities on school pitch as part of the Highlife Highland -
Summer programme.

Lairg 11.45am
Visits Ferrycroft Centre 1145. Convoy lunch break. Dep from Ferrycroft at 1246 into Lairg as far as Police Station.
HLH and community activities on site. Storytelling.
Crazy Golf, Rounders, Fun games. Local Sailing Club - boat rides.

Rogart 1.08pm
Photo Opportunity at MacDonald Memorial Cairn - 1st Premier of Canada
Rogart Local Historical Group

Thurso 2.40pm
Visits Millbank Playing Field 1440-1510,
then through town centre to Gillock Park on Smith Terrace. Returns to square outside Caithness Horizons at [1600 approx].
Thurso Sports Hub arranging sports events on playing field. Children's Storytelling Session at Gillock Park Play Area. Visit to Caithness Horizons Viking Exhibition in the Square.

Friday 11th July
John O'Groats 9.03pm
Photo opps at/around sign post with 1 Baton Bearer.

Wick 10.05am
Route from airport turn off, through the town to finish opposite retail park. Stops at Rosebank and at Bignold Park to join planned sports/activities sessions.
Youth Club Open Day at Rosebank Amenity area
Football Coaching and other community activities at Bignold Park. Storytelling session.

Helmsdale 12.20pm
Photo opp at Emigrants Statue 20 mins

Brora 1.13pm
Victoria Road/ Rosslyn Street. Visit to School Park Lunch stop for convoy Brora Rangers Social Club.
Community fun activities at Park prior to/during Baton visit. Various groups involved eg Pipe Band, Cheerleading, etc

Golspie 2.37pm
Baton/BBs visit to all weather Pitch prior to Relay commencing 1430.
Photo opp at new pitch

At Seaforth House. [20 mins] then Route follows along Main Street
Photo op outside Seaforth House. Feis music group etc. Pipers and Cheerleaders walking along High Street 5 mins before Baton Convoy to park opposite old Police Station for Community Activities

Stop at Glenmorangie Distillery 3.35pm
Photo opportunity

Tain 4.07pm
Route follows from Lidl through town to end close to roundabout near ASDA.
Tain Pipe Band on High St. Sport and Music events at Tain Tennis Club -no visit to Tennis Club.

Alness 5.04pm
Alness Academy Playing Field - 30 mins allowed there for community activities - relay starts 1734 then follows down the High Street to just past the roundabout leading back on to A9.
Community activities on field prior to/during baton visit. Pipe Band. Storytelling

Dingwall 6.19pm
Route starts on Craig Road and follows the by-pass to turn along the High Street, across the railway bridge to the Jubilee Park. Evening Celebratory event at the Park 1700-1930 approx. Baton arrival estimated 1845 for 30 mins.
HLH activities at Dingwall Academy/Leisure Centre
2 - 4pm come and try session where the participants can try different sports, meet local coaches and be enthused to take up sport. Fun games with a festival feel prior to arrival of the QBR.

Dingwall Event at Jubilee Park

Saturday 12th July
Follows route from Bellfield Park to Castle - Provost's Welcome. Ness Bank Church to the Ness Bridge, along past Cathedral, round the Bught Park to Inverness Leisure.
Photo opp at Castle with Provost , piper and dancers at 0825 approx. Activities at Queens Park -Baton there for approx 45 mins

Photo opps at Monster Exhibition 10:29. Route follows through the village with a stop at Glenurquhart Shinty Club Park 10:53.
Children's Shinty Match and other activities 20 mins

11:16 Stop at Urquhart Castle

Fort Augustus 12:00
Lunch stop for Convoy Crew at Village Hall.
Parking reserved in main car park.
BB to start from Hall after lunch 12:50 approx.
Children's activities/storytelling/choir at hall.

Spean Bridge 1.56pm
Photo - Commando Memorial 13:39 for 15 mins
Route through village from welcome sign.

Glenfinnan 2.55pm
Baton taken to Glenfinnan Station and in to Ft William on the 1515 steam train -arrives 1600.

Fort William 4.15pm
Route from Station, across Parade, up High St to the West End Roundabout, then follows the A82 back to arrive at Lochaber Leisure Centre at 16:45 approx
HLH triathlon/activity day at Leisure Centre - Baton at site for 30 mins approx. from 1645.
Highland leg of Relay ends at 17:15 with a short ceremony to handover baton to Argyll Council.