12th February 2003
Two Thurso colleagues have combined their experience in early years education to produce a Play and Learn kit which is generating interest from the education establishment, Early Years carers and parents. Recent attendance at the Education Technology Show held in London at the start of this year has shown a keen demand for their products, as well as future development.
MAGGIE SIMPSON and SHEILA ELDER, whose backgrounds lie in Early Years and Primary education, both work at the North Highland College, Thurso and having been thrown together at work - now work well together on the business which began started trading in April 2002.
The Play and Learn kits are complete for learning and tackle the most difficult aspect of activity packages by attaching them to the curriculum. At the moment these kits cover various themes such as 'Home Safety', 'Build a House' and 'Who Lives Here'. - all complete with CD-Rom, colourful diagrams, models and playful puppets, as well as a file for the leader to follow and complete to meet requirements � and are geared to meet the early years learning goals.
As well as the obvious pre-school and early years age group, the Play and Learn kits have a wider use for people who work with families and older children with special needs. For this reason the illustrations contained have a broad scope so a specific client age is not highlighted.
Maggie and Sheila were recently helped with loan assistance from the Caithness Fund to enable them to develop and market the business. The Caithness Fund also provides an aftercare service to new businesses.
Caithness Fund Development Adviser, JENNIFER IRVINE, based at Highland Council's Wick Development Office, said "This new business is unique to the Caithness area and is the type of venture The Caithness Fund is delighted to help to develop, both through financial assistance and the aftercare support which is particularly important in the early years of trading and which the clients find beneficial."
Commenting Sheila Elder: "The assistance we have been given has been an invaluable help and has given us the backing and encouragement to keep pushing this product in the marketplace because it is such a valuable asset to early education."
Visionries Ltd can be contacted on 01847 895409
Jennifer Irvine can be contacted on 01955 605858