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Police in Inverness carrying out enquiries following reports of bogus callers in the Holm, Culduthel & Lochardil areas

24th January 2015

Following on from the warning and advice on bogus callers issued last week in conjunction with Highland Council Trading Standards, Police have received a number of reports of callers operating in the Holm, Culduthel and Lochardil areas of the city this week.

During two of the incidents reported, male callers targeted local addresses including those with elderly residents, offering to fix broken tiles and treat roofs for moss for "free" before requesting a sum of money. Fortunately, both residents involved asked the callers to leave before contacting the police.

In another incident three males attended at an address in Lochardil offering to complete work on the roof. Unfortunately the resident provided a four figure sum of money for work which was not completed

Descriptions have been provided by residents of at least 3 men; one in his late teens and the others in their 40s and 50s, between 5'8 and 6ft, wearing both blue and black clothing.

Commenting on recent reports of bogus activity, Superintendent Angus MacPherson said: "It is concerning to hear that suspected bogus callers have been reported to be operating in the local area, with elderly residents being their chosen targets. Fortunately, all residents involved have declined their offers of work and have asked the callers to leave before reporting the matter to the Police or Trading Standards.

"While thoroughly investigating all reports of bogus callers received, Police Scotland will continue to work in conjunction with Trading Standards to ensure residents are aware of the conniving techniques used by such callers.

"Any suspicious activity should be reported to Police Scotland on 101, Trading Standards on 01463 228 700 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous."

Gordon Robb, Trading Standards Manager at Highland Council had the following advice for residents:

"Established firms may well have difficulty coping with the demand following a severe storm and whilst we have not received any reported incidents to date, we would advise householders to be very wary of any trader who cold calls them or has just arrived in the area and is seeking to carry out repairs. The temptation under these circumstances to waive your legal rights to cancel any contract to get any repairs started should also be very seriously considered, especially where you are dealing with a trader you don't know and is not based locally.

He continues:"Where any damage is covered by an insurance policy, the insurance company involved will be able to provide advice on how repairs should be carried out and you may even be directed to specific contractors to carry out such work or to obtain several quotes. Policy holders should always follow such advice as failing to do so could invalidate a claim."