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MSP Still Not Happy with One Driving Assessment Centre Based In Edinburgh

20th February 2015

North MSP determined to do something to address the issue with Scotland's only driving assessment centre. He is asking for a centre to be opened in Inverness with a relocation of jobs.

Highlands & Islands (Including Moray) MSP, Shadow Minister for the Highlands & Islands and road safety campaigner, David Stewart, is determined to address the unfairness of Scotland's only Scottish Driving Assessment Service (SDAS) being based in Edinburgh.

He said " Only yesterday I highlighted through the media, that funding provided by the Government for the Scottish Driving Assessment Service was cut in 2010/2011 when as I understand Transport Scotland pulled out of providing the funding stream and then in 2012/2013 it was increased, with the additional funding being provided by the Heath Department. However, all Scottish NHS Boards had to come together and decide on the most efficient and effective way to provide this service. Needless to say they decided to go for one centre based in Edinburgh".

“ I really have to question the rationale behind this decision. I am advised that the mobile service which was previously provided was cut altogether and it is claimed that waiting times for these assessment drives was slashed from 44 weeks to 13 weeks”.

“I have a Moray constituent who has very recently enquired into this issue and he was advised the waiting list was actually 22 weeks”.

“ I really have to wonder how it can be more efficient and effective to make people travel from the Northern Isles, Western Isles, the North of Scotland, Moray, or similar places where expenses for journeys have to be paid, overnight accommodation costs have to be paid and other incidental expenses. It seems this decision was taken to cater for those living in the large urban areas in the central belt and not much cognisance was taken of the individual who resides in the rural or scattered community. I have to ask why did they not at least have a second centre covering the North of Scotland based in Inverness for example”.

“ It is a concern that some drivers may just have to give up driving than face a journey to Edinburgh”.

“ The issue here is that medical conditions affect people of all ages and by that I mean those under 65 who are still trying to work. I am aware of cases where the individual is trying hard and swimming against the tide to keep their business afloat because of the hurdles put in their way as they strive to recover from what in many cases is life changing experiences. I will be writing today to the Scottish Government asking them to look again and review the whole issue of the Scottish Driving Assessment Centres. I will be asking them to consider the people resident in the North and at the same time look at relocation and a job creation opportunity. The current system is just grossly unfair on the people resident throughout the Highlands Islands and Moray.