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Energy North - Caithness Showcase- 26 May 2015

21st May 2015

Energy North - Caithness Showcase
26th May 2015, Mackays Hotel, Wick

Energy North will hold it's Caithness Showcase on the 26th of May at the Mackays Hotel in Wick.

This will be an all day event to showcase just what's happening in Caithness in terms of the energy industry in 2015 and what Caithness has to offer.

Energy North will have speakers such as SSE and Subsea 7 to explain what work they are currently carrying out in Caithness and some of their plans for the future. We will also have presentations from Caithness Supply Chain companies who wish to try and pitch their business to some of the other companies in attendance. Energy are also exploring the possibility of One to One sessions so if this is something you are interested in please get in touch with Connor at connor.hall[AT]

Energy North will also be offering the chance to exhibition your event to over 50 delegates at this event so for any enquiries regarding stands please get in touch with Connor. Exhibition bookings along with more information can be found here:

The Caithness Showcase will be an all day event which as well as the supply chain presentations and industry presentations, will also include company tours and an informal networking reception to close the day.

SSE will be there to discuss their Open 4 Business portal as well as projects such as the Beatrice Offshore wind farm, Spittal Substation and the Caithness Moray subsea cable. SHE Transmission's proposed project involves a subsea HVDC cable link between Caithness and Moray and a number of associated onshore works. The entire project is to be built by 2018/19 and is estimated to cost around Ł1 billion.

For a detailed agenda please see attached. For an up to date delegate list, please contact Connor.

Prices to attend this event are at Ł50 (+VAT) FOR Energy North Members and Ł80 (+VAT) for Non-Members. To book at place at this event, please visit:

If you have any queries about the event, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Connor at connor.hall[AT]

0930 Registration, Tea & Coffee
1000 Opening Welcome
1005 Industry Presentations
Willie Watt - Subsea 7/Wick Harbour
Wind Farm Developer

Q&A and Panel Discussion
1120 Tea, Coffee & Networking
1145 Caithness Supply Chain Pitches
1300 Buffet lunch, Networking & Exhibitioning
1345 Company Tours and visits
1700 Informal Networking Reception