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Farm Safety Foundation - Supporting Scotland's Young Farmers

10th June 2015

The Farm Safety Foundation is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Scottish Association of Young Farmers (SAYFC).

The Farm Safety Foundation was established by NFU Mutual in 2014 as a charity to engage the farmers of the future and help raise awareness of farm safety, change attitudes towards farming safely and reduce the toll of injuries and fatalities which bring a catalogue of heartbreak and misery to numerous families and rural communities every year.

SAYFC, which has over 3,000 members from 80 clubs across the country, is led by young people, for young people. In addition to providing opportunities for members to develop new skills and contribute to their local communities, the SAYFC enables young people to keep abreast of the key issues and trends within agriculture.

The Farm Safety Foundation will join members of SAYFC on their stand at next week's Royal Highland Show which takes place from 18-21 June. The team will showcase the very best in Scotland's Young Farmers Clubs as well as encouraging the next generation to challenge poor or unsafe practices on their own farms as well as through peer pressure.

Commenting on the relationship, Penny Montgomerie, Chief Executive of SAYFC said, "Farm safety is something that is very important to SAYFC and raising awareness of the dangers and hazards that surround some of our members on a daily basis is vital. This new partnership with the Farm Safety Foundation further enhances our commitment to safety, and will allow us to equip Young Farmers with the information they need in an engaging and responsive format. By encouraging rural youth to think twice about health and safety at a young age we hope it will have positive impacts throughout their career"

Stephanie Berkeley, Farm Safety Campaign Specialist for the Farm Safety Foundation added: "We are excited to partner SAYFC this year. SAYFC are avid supporters of our Yellow Wellies campaign which asks young farmers to seriously think “who would fill your boots" in the event of a life-changing injury? We have already delivered a Farm Safety Awareness Day at SRUC Barony Campus to their first year and HNC students and sharing the stand with SAYFC at the Royal Highland will help us take this message to the 80 Young Farmers’ Clubs across Scotland in the hope that together we can make a difference and change attitudes to health and safety in the farming community.

We have been impressed with the work of SAYFC to enhance the skill sets of young people in the agricultural industries and with their commitment to farm safety. With preparation and proper training, we are hopeful that together we can make a change, that risks can be limited and lives and livelihoods can be saved.”

For more information on the Farm Safety Foundation please visit: