New Park awards key electrical contract to local firm
17th October 2004
Part of the final phase of re-development of Forss Business & Technology Park.
New Park Management recognises local expertise by awarding the contract for upgrading the Forss site electrical switchgear to JGC Engineering & Technical Services Ltd.
New Park Management are moving ahead with the final phase of the development of Forss Business Technology Park in light of the increasing demand for high quality office accommodation and workshop space ahead of the original timescales. Following a competitive tendering process JGC Engineering & Technical Services have been awarded the contract for the upgrading and increasing capacity of the main site electrical switchgear and supply in Lybster House (Building 3).
Neil Robertson, New Park's Associate Director, responsible for the Forss Business & Technology Park, stated "We have taken a best value approach to awarding this contract, and are very pleased to be working in partnership with JGC. They produced a comprehensive, well thought out and researched proposal. It�s good to be working with locally based sub-contractors for the site re-development."
A Bembco 1600 switchgear suite is being installed in line with the expansion of facilities on the Forss site.
For more pictures of the Forss Business Park go to -
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