Preparatory works to begin on Inverness West Link Road, Inverness
6th September 2015
Works on the long awaited Inverness West Link Project will begin in mid-September. Funding for the project was unanimously agreed by Council in March this year.
A Contract has been let to M.M. Miller Building and Civil Engineering Contractors for the Advance Works which will allow trees to be removed to clear the way for the main works and for major utility services to be diverted. It is anticipated that the tree removal works will be completed within four weeks, with the services diversions by March 2016, paving the way for the main West Link Road Stage 1 and the Canal Parks Enhancement works which will start in the spring of 2016.
Chair of Development and Infrastructure, Cllr Audrey Sinclair said: "Whilst the new road will result in the removal of 129 trees along the A82, Bught Road and south of the river Ness, these will be replaced with 178 established trees and over 3,000 saplings, replacing almost 50% more large trees than will be lost.
"The new large trees will be approximately 4 metres high providing instant `greening' and screening, where required. Although the new trees initially won't be as large as those removed, over time they will mature and help to integrate the road and associated projects into the local landscape. The saplings will be managed to ensure the continuity of tree cover in Inverness."
A quantity of the timber will be set aside to be used in community projects.
The inaugural meeting of the Local Community Liaison Group was held on 31 August. The group, which includes members of local community councils, was given a presentation on the West Link Project, a flyover simulation and details of the forthcoming works in the project plan.
Cllr Graham Ross, Chair of the Local Community Liaison Group said: “The first meeting was very positive and is a good way for members of the local community to get regular updates on the project. It also serves as a useful forum for any questions. This was the first of a series of regular meetings and we are looking forward to seeing the project progress."
Leader of the Council, Margaret Davidson said: “A huge amount of work and planning has gone into getting us to this stage and I am delighted to see the project finally get started on the ground. The West Link will bring significant benefits to the city, not least reducing the misery of congestion in the city centre as well as delivering significant return for public investment.”
Provost Helen Carmichael said: “I am delighted to be present at the planting of the first new large tree on site. This first tree represents both our commitment to creating a better environment of communities and the growth which the West Link Road project will bring to the city.”
The West Link will provide multiple benefits to the City. It is estimated that the project will provide a substantial cost-benefit ratio for the investment of 3.86, which represents nearly £4 of benefit to every £1 of public investment.
It will significantly reduce congestion and pollution in the city centre. The city centre of Inverness suffers from increasingly severe traffic congestion due to increased growth and traffic, the influx of tourists and visitors and rush-hour “bottlenecks” forcing a large volume of traffic through a small number of routes. The congestion creates delays for essential business travel and emergency vehicles.
The West Link road will enhance active travel linkages including cycling and walking within the city
speed up journey times from the A96 to the A82 and will remove traffic delays with crossing the canal.
The project will also enable housing development and associated developer contributions and the construction employment will undoubtedly bring economic benefits to the area.
Stage 2 of the project will provide vastly improved amenity and leisure facilities at the Torvean golf club and the rugby club and a sports hub - part of a greater ambition for the City of Inverness and will enable further development.
The Council unanimously agreed a total of £55 million to progress the West Link and enhanced sports facilities on 12 March 2015.