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Employee Survey shows significant positive progress

6th September 2015

The initial results of the recent Highland Council staff survey show a very positive trend. There were 3831 responses with a good overall response rate of 36%. (a 2% increase on 2012). 70% answered that they are very or fairly satisfied with their present job, a 3% increase since 2012 and a 7% increase since the first survey in 2000.

There is a positive trend in almost all the job satisfaction factors. 84% of staff feel they have interesting work (up 4%); 51% of staff feel valued and recognised (up 7%). 55% of staff report receiving guidance and support at work (up 6%).

Although views on how change is managed have improved, there is still work to do in a number of areas to increase confidence in the change process. Trends in the survey results showed a slight increase in levels of workload and stress.

However, morale in the workplace shows an increase at 46% (up 6%) and 68% of staff feel their manager listens to their ideas and suggestions (up 7%). 50% of staff feel that they are working for a successful organisation (up7%). Views of line managers show a positive trend across all factors.

One of the highest increases (up 13%) showed that 57% staff feel that there is a culture in the Council where they are treated with dignity and respect.

Chief Executive Steve Barron welcomed the results of the survey. He said: "The results of the latest staff survey are excellent and managers should take great credit for substantially improving morale, satisfaction and undoubtedly performance.

"It is encouraging that many more staff report they feel better informed, valued and recognised and treated with dignity and respect."

Chair of Resources Committee, Cllr Bill Fernie (Independent) added: “This is indeed a very positive report and shows considerable improvements across a range of indicators. We have some way to go, but we can see these results demonstrate that the Council is moving in the right direction over the past 2 years."

Services will receive a breakdown of responses to the questions which will allow them to identify specific trends and appropriate actions. A report highlighting actions and areas for further improvement will be reported to Resources Committee in November.