MSP says not too late to stop Berriedale Braes inquiry
23rd December 2015
Labour MSP Rhoda Grant is disappointed that a public inquiry is to be held into the compulsory purchase of land for the Berriedale Braes improvement scheme due to one objection.
The inquiry, scheduled for April 4 and 5 in Helmsdale Community Centre, and headed by reporter Frances McChlery, follows a pre-inquiry meeting held earlier this month in the same centre.
Mrs Grant is backing a plea by Caithness Transport Forum and Caithness Chamber of Commerce to have work on Berriedale Braes included in the Scottish Governments draft budget for 2016/2017 and is awaiting a reply from transport minister Derek Mackay. She has also questioned the cost and delay in pressing ahead with an inquiry suggesting Transport Scotland should come to an agreement with the sole objector, Alexander Johnston, to avoid the need for an inquiry to take place.
It is not unusual for agencies such as Transport Scotland and local authorities to come to agreements without the need for an inquiry - take for instance Highland Council and its last minute deals with private landowners around the West Link route in Inverness,- said Mrs Grant, who represents the Highlands and Islands.
Its frustrating to think nothing can be done to improve the road until at least April next year. However, I am encouraged that the reporter has suggested that both Transport Scotland and Mr Johnston continue to explore what information they can share in order to narrow the areas of dispute. Maybe this could lead to an early resolution.
Berriedale Braes property owner and draft road order objector, Mr Johnston, has previously contacted Mrs Grant regarding his objection. The draft road order, as it stands, would result in the loss of vehicle and road access to Mr Johnston's property.