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A9 Dualling Programme

9th March 2016

Preferred route on display for Quarter of A9 Dualling Programme.

The proposed road alignment and junctions for over 33 km of the Scottish Government's ambitious 129 km A9 Dualling programme went on public display today.

A series of public engagement events are being held for three of the twelve sections of road to be dualled - Killiecrankie to Pitagowan, Pitagowan to Glen Garry and Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore.

Transport Scotland also intend combining the two southern section schemes stretching over 22 km from Killiecrankie to Glen Garry, for the next stage of detailed design. This will ensure that as we further develop the design for this combined scheme we consider the safety benefits including from the proposed junctions as well as the overall effect of dualling for local residents and the environment.

Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities Keith Brown said:"The Scottish Government is the first government to commit to dualling the A9 between Perth and Inverness which is a huge undertaking and one of the largest and most challenging infrastructure projects in Scotland's history.

"We are determined to ensure road users, communities and our economy feel all of the benefits the dualling will bring as early as possible with construction of the first section of the programme under way between Kincraig and Dalraddy and expected to finish next summer.

“Now through the essential design and development work and public engagement that has been going on across the programme, we can let the public see the preferred route for three of the sections to be dualled - around a quarter of the programme.

“In designing the preferred routes, we have engaged widely with local communities and local representatives and that vital feedback has helped shape these preferred routes. We have also taken a number of factors into consideration including where possible minimising any effect on properties, protection of the environment and the topography for each section.

“I would encourage anyone interested in seeing our plans to come along to one of the engagement events or view them online. We hope to let the public see the preferred routes for other sections later this year.

“With construction now underway, preferred routes on show for three sections and preparation work for other sections developing, providing around 800 engineering jobs in Scotland, the programme remains on track to be completed on time by 2025."

1. Killiecrankie to Pitagowan: widening is predominantly to the northbound side. A full grade separated junction will be provided at Aldclune to allow turning movements for vehicles.

2. Pitagowan to Glen Garry: widening is predominantly to the northbound side. A full grade separated junction will be provided to serve Blair Atholl, Pitagowan, Calvine and Bruar. The A9 will be moved slightly offline at this location to accommodate the junction.

3. We intend to combine these two sections of dualling (Killiecrankie to Glen Garry) for the next phase of the design work. Combining these sections provides complementary junctions within the length to facilitate turning movements from local accesses currently direct onto the A9 which may be closed.

4. Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore: widening is predominantly to the southbound side on this section due to the surrounding topography and the proximity of the River Truim. There is a northbound length of widening at the north end of the section to avoid widening into the steep hillside to the east of the A9. A full grade separated junction will be provided to the south of Dalwhinnie.

5. In total these sections of preferred route cover approximately 33km of the 129km to be dualled and represent an investment of circa £800M.

6. Further details of the preferred routes and the exhibition material can be found at:

Killiecrankie to Glen Garry –

Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore -

Information on the overall A9 Dualling Programme can be found at: