Stop Burglars This Christmas
11th November 2007
Christmas is coming and many folk are buying presents for friends and families. Burglars often do their dshopping by breakinginot other people's homes and businesses.
Even if your home is failry secure take precautions by hiding valuable items well out of sight.
Think about adding those extra precautions you have been putting off. an extra light or even a burglar alarm. Some can be fitted fairly inexpensively.
All the usual rules apply to protect your home or business. Tell neighbours if you are going to be away for the day.
Don't leave nice massages on your answering machine telling folk you are going to be out all day.
Use light timers to have a range of lights going on and off. If you are unsure about leaving your home why not ask a neighbour of friend to pop round whuile you are away at various times to check. Get your neighbour to park their car in your driveway. they are at home but their car in your drive might deter someone from looking at your house for Christmas presents, cash or credit cards.
Don'e leave keys under flowrpots and other hiding places. Burglars know all these places. Leave spare keys with neighbours or relatives.
Make your home or premises more secure as soon as possible by fitting better locks on doors and windows. Instal solid core doors, heavy duty locks, longer screws on all fittings, door hinges and lock plates. On sliding doors and windows fit secondary security devices.
Tell the police about anyone suspicious at your own or neighbours premises.
If you are broken into assume they will come back and get everything made more secure.
After Christmas do not leave all the boxes from expansive presents lying around on view. Break them up or take them to the local dump.