Quoybrae Sale - 12 November 2007
12th November 2007
QUOYBRAE, Aberdeen & Northern Marts (12th November) sold 333 Weaned Calves,
Store & Breeding Cattle.
Bullocks (167) averaged 121.9p to 226p per kg for a 239kg Limousin from J &
G More, Lynton Cottage, Ulbster and £700 gross for a 559kg Limousin from M &
L Armitage & Son, Lochquoy, Castletown.
Heifers (114) averaged 113.2p to 152p per kg for a 197kg Limousin from W & J
Morrison, Seater, Bower and £592 gross for a 474kg Charolais from W R & M
Mill, Forsie, Bridge of Westfield.
Leading prices per head -
Bullocks -
Up to 200kg - £285 Lieurary Mains.
201-250kg - £540 Lynton Cottage; £300 Lieurary Mains.
251-300kg - £478 Newfield; £440 Balbeg; £420 Achumore.
301-350kg - £520 Lower Gills; £505 Kennachy; £500 Newfield.
351-400kg - £540 Forsie; £525 No 41 Croick; £515 Trantlebeg (MacKay).
401-450kg - £555 Kennachy; £550 Barrock Mains & Lower Gills; £535
Myrelandhorn (Miller).
451-500kg - £585 Forsie; £582 North Lyth; £540 Barrock Mains & Howe, Lyth.
501-550kg - £675 Forsie; £665 Hopefield; £645 Howe.
551-600kg - £638 Achunabust.
Heifers -
Up to 200kg - £300 Seater.
201-250kg - £320 Rockhill, Auckengill; £310 Wattenon.
251-300kg - £375 Rockhill; £370 Leodibest; £355 No 5 Upper Dounreay.
301-350kg - £470 East Greenland; £425 No 5 Upper Dounreay; £405 Myrelandhorn
& Tacher.
351-400kg - £488 Forsie; £455 East Greenland..
401-450kg - £510 East Greenland; £505 Forsie; £490 Rockhill.
451-500kg - £585 Lochquoy; £555 Trantlebeg & Ritchies Croft; £530 Barrock
501-550kg - £582 Lochquoy.
Leading prices per kg -
Bullocks -
up to 200kg - 151p Lieurary Mains; 131p Seater.
201-250kg - 143p Lynton Cottage; 130p Achumore; 129p Lieurary Mains.
251-300kg - 169p Newfield; 155p Balbeg; 145p Wattenon.
301-350kg - 162p Newfield; 152p Lower Gills; 145p Kennachy.
351-400kg - 138p No 41 Croick, Trantlebeg & Forsie; 137p Boultach (Black);
136p Tacher.
401-450kg - 131p Kennachy; 127p Old Stirkoke & Lower Gills; 125p No 41
Croick & Kennachy.
451-500kg - 127p Forsie; 120p Barrock Mains; 117p Wellback Farm.
501-550kg - 131p Forsie; 127p Howe; 122p Hopefield.
551-600kg - 125p Lochquoy; 115p Achunabust.
Heifers -
201-250kg - 139p Rockhill; 132p Wattenon.
251-300kg - 140p Rockhill; 135p Leodibeat; 128p Tacher.
301-350kg - 135p East Greenland; 125p No 5 Upper Dounreay.
351-400kg - 126p Forsie; 125p East Greenland.
401-450kg - 126p Forsie; 123p East Greenland.
451-500kg - 125p Forsie; 122p Trantlebeg; 121p Lochquoy.
501-550kg - 108p Lochquoy.
Breeding Cattle (52) - Dispersal from W J Sinclair, Ha of Bowermadden, Bower
sold to a top of £1,080 for a Sim Cross Cow with Char Stot Calf; Cows with
Stot Calves - £1,000 (three times), £980 & £920; Cows with Hfr Calves -
£1,020 & £900 (twice); In Calf Heifer - £680; In Calf Cows - £680 & £650;
Charollais Bull - £2,100.
Others: In Calf Heifers - £760 & £740 (three times) West Gillock; In Calf
Cows - £710 West Gersa; Bulling Heifers - £580 Biggins;£540 Inkstack
(Robvertson); Simmental Bull - £800 Leodibest.