3rd October 2018
Highland Council residents are being urged to remember to recycle when they visit Recycling Centres. Historically, the general public have viewed Recycling Centres as the ‘dump' or the ‘tip’, however times have changed and with the need to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill and increase how much we all recycle, the Council would like encourage householders to take the time to separate their items before they go to a Recycling Centre.
Councillor Allan Henderson, Chair of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee for The Highland Council said: "Separating your items for recycling before you visit a Recycling Centre will not only save you time whilst visiting the site, but will also help reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill. Around 83,000 tonnes of household & business waste from the region is sent to landfill at a cost of approximately £11 million per annum, so decreasing the amount of waste sent to landfill is a significant cost saving."
He added, “In an effort to increase recycling at the sites across the region, residents may be asked to sort their items for recycling so try to avoid putting mixed unwanted items into black bags - most sites have separate containers for plastic bottles, cardboard, electrical items, clothes, shoes and bedding all of which are commonly found in householders black bags yet can be easily recycled. “
Councillor Henderson continued, “We all have things at home that we don’t want or need anymore such as clothes, books, toys or furniture which can still be used by someone else, so when you are having a clear out remember to pass them on by donating to charity and support a good cause at the same time. From 2021, The Highland Council, like all Local Authorities in Scotland will be required to change how they dispose of biodegradable municipal waste. The landfill ban is one of a number of measures set out in the Scottish Governments Zero Waste Plan to help stimulate a circular economy and promote more sustainable resource use in Scotland."
For further information on recycling please visit www.highland.gov.uk/recycle