Gills Harbour Ltd Awards Contract To Local Firm
20th March 2019

Gills Harbour Ltd, the community-owned body that owns & operates the busy little port on Caithness's North Coast, has awarded a remedial contract to a Wick-based company.
The deal, won in a competitive tender, has gone to builders/civil engineers Messrs GMR Henderson Ltd, of Martha Terrace in Wick.
Part of the seaward end of the original 136 metre-long (450') Gills Pier was damaged by the so-called 'Beast From the East' storms of just over one years ago (late February/early March, 2018).
This 2018 Sou'Easterly sea-storm dislodged some of the external stone-work masonry blocks from the Pier that was originally built over a Century ago, in 1905.
As a result, some 'infill' stone material from the 'hearting' of the pier was being washed out, falling into the entrance channel of GHL's Inner Basin.
Yesterday Mr Bill Mowat, the hon. chairman of 'Canisbay's Peoples Port' as it is known, expressed thanks to unsuccessful tenderers for their interest in the small-works job.
GHL is holding its Annual General Meeting at Gills PFL terminal building at 7:30 pm next Tuesday 26th March 2019, as per its recent statutory advert in the Groat.
The value of the contract is not being disclosed at this date, but it is known to run into five figures in £s sterling.
Mr Mowat also expressed gratitude to civil servants from Marine Scotland's Fisheries unit in Edinburgh for their interest and support in the restorative work.
Gills Harbour lies at the inland apex of Gills Bay on the shores of the Pentland Firth's Inner Sound, c. 3 miles West of John O'Groats on a spur-road off the A 836 route to Thurso and beyond.
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