Caithness Voluntary Group
Caithness Voluntary Group exists to support the voluntary sector in Caithness by representing and supporting voluntary groups and individuals interested in or actively volunteering, facilitating co-operation, and enabling citizens to access the decision making processes affecting their community.
It aims to present the common policies and concerns of voluntary organisations, to develop new ways of responding to need in partnership with statutory and other health, social work, education, environmental and recreation agencies and others concerned with the social and economic regeneration of the area.
Caithness Voluntary Group is a partner in the Highland Third Sector Partnership Highland Third Sector Partnership -
The HTSP formed from a partnership which involved eight existing members from across the Highland region. The interface was formalised in 2012 and was officially launched on the 4th of March 2013. The Third Sector Interface works together with the eight partners to deliver, amongst other services, four specific themes of work as agreed with the Scottish Government:
Volunteering Development
Social Enterprise Development
Supporting and Developing a Strong Third Sector
Building the Third Sector Relationship with Community Plan
Alan Tait - Senior Development Officer
Yvonne Hendry - 01955 609960 yvonne[AT]
Catherine Patterson 01955 605002 volunteering[AT]
Admin, Office services - get your photo copying and printing
Open Monday and Wednesday 9.30 - 12.00
Postal Address
Caithness Voluntary Group
Telford House
Williamson Street
News for Caithness Voluntary Group
A number of groups in Caithness were on a long list of Scottish awards from the lottery. Caithness KLICS (SCIO) Medium Grants Scotland: Improving Lives £76,763 Highland The group will use the funding to offer a range of activities for young carers, including weekly group sessions and after school sessions to reduce stress and provide respite bringing some normality into their lives.
Caithness Voluntary Group is one of 53 projects awarded a share of £3.2 million fund set up to tackle loneliness by Scottish Government. Activities delivered by the organisations include community choirs, walking football, Men's Sheds and volunteering opportunities.
Caithness Rural Transport members are growing daily and the service has expanded dramatically these past few months. The service relies on volunteers to cover any additional runs throughout the week that the main drivers/volunteers who have set days are unable to cover due to already having runs booked in.
Come along to this drop-in information session to find out about the Volunteer Friendly Quality Assurance Award. A brief presentation will be followed by Q&A session where you can ask about the benefits of this award for your group.
Nine businesses from the Highlands will start the latest edition of the Pathfinder Accelerator programme today (9 September 2021), which aims to put them on the fast track to success. Developed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), the established support programme nurtures growth in life science and technology and helps bring new business ideas to market quicker.
HTSI are very excited to bring you a series of Monday Masterclasses, training centred around supporting community groups. Set up a new group recently? Working to support your community? Want an update on current best practice in supporting community groups? Then HTSI's FREE Monday masterclasses are for you! Julie at Caithness Voluntary Group is doing two of these classes that are open to everyone in the Highlands and are free.
Eleven community organisations in the Highlands and Islands have been awarded a total of £1.5m to develop and deliver long-term solutions to tackle poverty based on local priorities and needs The Aspiring Communities Fund, which levers in European Social Funds, was launched by the Scottish Government in 2017 to help reduce poverty and enable inclusive growth in disadvantaged and fragile communities across Scotland. Regional development agency, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), helped community organisations in the region to apply to this recent round of funding.
Introduction to Food Hygiene Training 10.00-1.30pm, Wednesday February 22nd, at Telford House, Williamson Street, Wick. Covering food law and HACCP, food hygiene management systems, and myths surrounding food preparation.
LEADER funding workshops are being arranged by Caithness Voluntary Group for venues in Wick and Thurso at the end of this month. The sessions, which are free of charge, are being presented by Highland LEADER development officer Fiona Cameron.
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