Caithness Renewables Ltd
Caithness Renewables, a consultancy specialising in services for renewable energy developers including marine energy developers and local businesses targeting the renewables market, was established in 2010. Focusing on project development services, industry information and advice, the business was established by Louise Smith BSc (Eng), CEng, MICE, MCIHT, AIEMA to continue to support the growth of jobs in renewable energy and related green industries. Speaking to wave and tidal energy developers, Caithness Renewables hopes to capitalise on networking links to bring economic success to the area through its cutting edge work in tidal turbulence. Services include assistance with funding applications, grid connections, sea bed lease applications, scoping, environmental statements, stakeholder consultation and engagement, engineering consultancy and marine energy information. Office hours are 09.00 - 17.00 Monday - Friday.
Postal Address
Caithness Renewables Ltd
10 Sinclair Street
KW14 7AJ
Louise Smith
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