Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd
NDA has taken the business in house.
DSRL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Cavendish Dounreay Partnership, a consortium of Cavendish Nuclear, Jacobs and AECOM per - 24 June 2019.
DSRL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd, a consortium of Cavendish Nuclear, CH2MHILL and URS. It is funded by the NDA to deliver the site closure programme agreed with the Cavendish Dounreay Partnership.
Cavendish -
Following share transfer on 01 April 2012 the Babcock Dounreay Partnership (BDP), a joint venture between Babcock, CH2M HILL and URS, is the new Parent Body Organisation of Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL), the Site Licence Company at the Scottish site.
The Babcock Dounreay Partnership (BDP) is a consortium of Babcock International Group PLC (50 per cent), CH2M HILL (30 per cent) and URS Corporation (20 per cent).
In October 2013 it changed its name to Cavendish Dounreay Partnership, following the decision of Babcock International Group, which has a 50 per cent stake in the parent body organisation, to rebrand its civil nuclear business unit as Cavendish Nuclear.
Further details about the site and the activities being undertaken at DSRL can be found at
For further information about BDP, contact us:
Richard Jones - Programme Director
Tel: 07875 066077
Email: info[AT]
See also Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd
01847 802121
Postal Address
Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd
Dounreay Site Restoration Limited
KW14 7TZ
News for Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd
Dounreay Socio Economic Review 21 - 22
In April 2021, Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) became a subsidiary company of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Group. The Cavendish Dounreay Partnership ceased.
NDA Innovation Competition Winners Have Been Announced - £3.9 Million
14 successful companies have been awarded contracts to come up with innovative approaches to remotely sort and segregate radioactive waste. The ‘Sort and Seg' innovation competition, worth £3.9 million in total, was launched in July 2020.
Contract For World's Deepest Nuclear Clean-up Awarded At Dounreay
Dounreay has awarded a major contract as the world's deepest nuclear clean-up job gets underway. Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL), on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, awarded the £7.5 million contract for "advanced transition works" at the 65 metre deep shaft and silo to Nuvia and its partner Graham Construction, through the site's decommissioning framework following a competitive tendering process.
Radioactive particles in the environment around Dounreay - Updates 17 August
The updates for 2020 include - 17 August 2020 Attachment updated - Sandside beach near Dounreay particle finds 17 April 2020 Attachments updated: Dounreay foreshore particle finds Sandside near Dounreay particle finds 18 March 2020 Dounreay Foreshore particle finds document updated. 7 February 2020 Attachment updates - Dounreay foreshore particles finds and Sandside beach near Dounreay particles finds.
Nuclear Decommissioning Agency To Take Over Dounreay Site With No Job Losses
DSRL and LLWR to become NDA subsidiaries. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has announced that Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) and LLW Repository Ltd (LLWR) will become wholly owned subsidiaries of the NDA next year.
How Dounreay is responding to coronavirus
Dounreay is working with the community to provide assistance during the coronavirus outbreak. Protecting our site We have reduced operations at the site to a level where we require a minimum number of people to leave their homes each day to keep Dounreay in a safe and secure state.
Decommissioning In Japan - Learning From Dounreay
As part of the nuclear sector deal, to foster ever-stronger links between the British and Japanese nuclear industry, Councillor Struan Mackie who represents Thurso and North West Caithness on Highland Council (Deputy-Chair of the Dounreay Stakeholder Group) undertook a five day Japanese visit to discuss the impact of nuclear decommissioning on local communities with stakeholders in Tsuruga City, Fukui prefecture. The whistle-stop visit included two days in Tsuruga on , the home of the Japanese Atomic Energy Agencies fast reactor ‘Monju', is generally regarded to be a ‘partner plant' to Dounreay's PFR in Caithness.
Dounreay Supplier Day Looks At Clean-up Opportunities
Dounreay's latest supplier information day, hosted jointly with companies appointed to its decommissioning services framework, has proved popular with companies from around the UK. Around 200 people packed into a venue in Wick, Caithness to hear about plans for future work to decommission the site.
Half the fuel gone from iconic Dounreay reactor
Half of the last remaining radioactive fuel elements jammed for decades inside the iconic Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR) have now been removed. DFR with its famous dome once led the world in fast breeder technology.
Dounreay Apprentices Celebrate Completion Of Training Scheme
Seven Dounreay apprentices have received their indenture certificates at a special event to mark the successful conclusion of their 4-year training programme. The latest group ‘graduating' joined the company in 2015 - the 60th year apprentices had been part of the workforce at Dounreay and the first time in more than a decade that design office apprentices had been recruited.
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