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Local Authority News

Seater Recycling Centre to be closed for 60 weeks
The Recycling Centre at Seater Landfill Site will be closed to the public from Saturday 18th June 2016 to allow for the construction of landfill cells.   Local contractor John Gunn & Son has been awarded the construction contract, which will involve building the final two landfill cells for the site.  
Trading Standards Supports World Anti-Counterfeiting Day
June 8th is World Anti-Counterfeiting Day 2016 and Trading Standards are warning Highland consumers to beware of buying bogus imitation products.  The theme for this year's event is "Fakes in the sports industries", to coincide with the EURO 2016 football.  
Raw Meat Kebabs, Poultry and Dairy Products Destroyed By Environmental Health
Officers from The Highland Council's Environmental Health Team are warning food businesses that frozen and chilled foods must be handled, prepared and transported within safe temperatures, and that failure to meet food safety requirements, may result in officers detaining or seize the food.   This advice follows a recent incident when intelligence from Police Scotland led the Council's Environmental Health Service to inspect a van that was transporting a large consignment of raw meat kebabs, poultry and dairy products to food businesses in Inverness without the use of a freezer compartment.  
New Jetpatcher Set To Repair Potholes Faster On Highland Council RoadsThumbnail for article : New Jetpatcher Set To Repair Potholes Faster On Highland Council Roads
The Vice Chair of Highland Council's Community Services Cllr Richard Greene and Badenoch and Strathspey Ward Member Cllr Jaci Douglas recently viewed a Jetpatcher in operation at Grantown on Spey.   Following trials with neighbouring Local Authorities the Council's Community Services Committee in February this year, approved the purchase of a Jetpatcher with £150,000 from the capital programme.  
Have you received your voting guide? - You can't miss it!
With the EU referendum fast approaching, The Highland Council is urging residents to make sure they are registered to vote by the 7 June deadline, and to check the Electoral Commission's voting guide for advice on how to take part.   The referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union will take place on Thursday 23 June 2016.  
Choice Based Lettings extended throughout Caithness
Anyone who wants to rent a council or housing association house in Thurso now has greater choice.  This is because homes are now being allocated through ‘Choice Based Lettings'.  
Councillor Bill Fernie welcomes Scotland Excels Living Wage boostThumbnail for article : Councillor Bill Fernie welcomes Scotland Excels Living Wage boost
Local Wick Councillor Bill Fernie has welcomed Scotland's centre for procurement expertise for local government, gaining Living Wage accreditation.   Scotland Excel's accreditation from the Living Wage Foundation affirms the organisation's commitment to leading by example on the issue of fair pay.  
Public opinion to be sought on Approaching Inverness project
Three ‘demonstration' projects that will improve the visual impact of approach roads to Inverness and provide a sense of place for visitors, residents, businesses and investors have met the approval of Members of The Highland Council's City of Inverness Area Committee.   A city gateway structure will be created for the approach to Clachnaharry on the Beauly-Inverness road; and the A82 Telford roundabout and A82 Longman central reservation will be improved in partnership with Transport Scotland.  
26 Scottish councils join forces on digital transformation
A consortium of twenty-six local authorities in Scotland are joining forces to improve council services using digital technology.   The Local Government Digital Transformation Board are set to recruit a chief digital officer and team who will be expected 'to shape and lead a programme of change to radically improve how local services work and how the councils serve citizens.' The consortium represents most of the 32 Scottish councils including Glasgow, Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Highland Council.  
Highlands of Scotland renews Fairtrade statusThumbnail for article : Highlands of Scotland renews Fairtrade status
The Highlands of Scotland has renewed its status as a Fairtrade Zone which was first achieved on 13 September 2012.   Highland Councillor Hamish Wood and Fairtrade champion said: "Highland has now renewed its Fairtrade status - a process which takes place every 2 years - which is very good for the region.  
90 Jobs For Wick in £2.5 Billion Beatrice Offshore Wind FarmThumbnail for article : 90 Jobs For Wick in £2.5 Billion Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm
* 84 turbines will provide 588MW of power once operational in 2019.   * New windfarm expects to provide an average annual gross employment i Scotland of over 890 jobs during construction and is one of Scotland's largest private infrastructure project.  
Highland Council representative appointed to NHS Highland board
Highland Council has appointed Councillor Jaci Douglas as the Council's representative to serve on the Board of NHS Highland.   Cllr Jaci Douglas currently chairs the area District Partnership for Badenoch and Strathspey and chairs the Highland Council's Working Group on Dementia.  
Referendum on the UKs membership of the European Union
Highland voters who wish to vote in the Referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union on Thursday 23 June 2016 are being alerted to the ‘Notice of Referendum' published on The Highland Council’s website at The question on the referendum ballot paper will be: 'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’ The choices on the ballot paper will be one of the following: • Remain a member of the European Union • Leave the European Union Voters will mark their choice using a cross (X).   Steve Barron, Chief Executive of The Highland Council will be the Counting Officer for the EU Referendum in Highland Council’s area.  
Council takes action to repair Highland roadsThumbnail for article : Council takes action to repair Highland roads
The Highland Council is to purchase a specialised state of the art road repair vehicle in its bid to dramatically reduce the number of surface defects present on its road network.   The machine, which uses a spray injection patching process, can be operated by a single operator and can fill a pothole in about 5 minutes.  
Commission on Highland Democracy To Build On Localism Agenda
A Commission on democracy in the Highlands is to be launched in June.  The Commission will investigate the current state of democracy in the region, and start conversations about the kind of democracy we want to have.  
Council enhances employability support
The Highland Council is re-designing the way it delivers Employability Services to offer more comprehensive support to people who find themselves experiencing unemployment.   In line with similar developments across Scotland, the Council has adopted a Skills Pipeline which has become a key element in Highland's employability and employment strategy.  
Council enhances employability support
The Highland Council is re-designing the way it delivers Employability Services to offer more comprehensive support to people who find themselves experiencing unemployment.   In line with similar developments across Scotland, the Council has adopted a Skills Pipeline which has become a key element in Highland's employability and employment strategy.  
Final preparations in hand to welcome refugees to Highland
Highland Community Planning Partners have confirmed that they are now ready to receive 4 Syrian refugee families to the Highlands in the next few weeks.   A working group of officers and volunteers from The Highland Council, Police Scotland, NHS Highland, and Highland Third Sector Interface have been putting final preparations in place for housing, education and health support for the families.  
Reaching customers overseas - Caithness event
Local business support organisations in Caithness are coming together on Thursday 12th May 2016 in Thurso to host an event as part of an ongoing initiative to help local businesses find out about, and harness, the support available to do business overseas.   Entitled ‘Reaching Customers Overseas', the event will take place at Caithness Horizons between 1-4pm.  
Communities to be consulted on public conveniences
The budget for operating public conveniences across Highland was reduced by £250,000 in 2016/17 and a further £344,000 in 2017/18, at Highland Council in February 2016 as part of the overall budget savings, leaving a budget of £639,000 thereafter.   The council operates 102 public conveniences and 27 comfort schemes with annual costs of £1.233 million.