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Advisory / Counseling Services News

Businesses Urged Not To Miss Out On Environmental Savings
When it comes to putting environmental plans into action, companies in the Highlands and Islands could be losing out on savings of up to £1000 per employee.   Challenges currently facing businesses including rising raw material and energy costs, customer expectations and environmental legislation will be discussed at the free Envirowise events held in Wick, Inverness, Fort William and Elgin from 28-31 October.  
Oban Man Is Recognised As A Top UK Entrepreneur
THE founder of an Oban-based marine biotechnology company - whose groundbreaking work could lead to a cure for MRSA - has been officially recognised as one of the top entrepreneurs in Britain.   Dr Andrew Mearns Spragg, chief executive officer of Aquapharm Biodiscovery Limited, was one of the five regional finalist candidates, in the science and technology sector, to win a place in the national finals of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards.  
Unst Hydrogen Venture Goes From Strength To Strength
The Pure Energy Centre (PEC) in Unst, Shetland is growing globally, helping to put the Shetland Islands on the map for innovative renewable energy and hydrogen developments.   The PEC grew from the Pure Energy Project set up by the Unst Partnership and has seen the development of the first community-owned off-grid renewable hydrogen system in the world.  
Launch Of 2008/09 Rural Leadership Programme
Scottish Enterprise (SE) in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) are launching the successful Rural Leadership Programme (RLP) for the third consecutive year.  Recruitment is taking place immediately, with the programme running throughout the winter/spring of 2008/09 and a follow up conference completing the programme to take place in early summer 2009.  
The Big Green Challenge
a talking point for teenagers in the Highlands and Islands An innovative project by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is helping pupils across Scotland to gain a better understanding and awareness of renewable energy.   More than 120 S1 & S3 students from 25 schools across the Highlands and Islands are putting their talking skills to the test in The Big Green Challenge debating competition.  
Pentland Firth Grid Connections To Be Investigated
Consultants have been appointed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the Scottish Government to identify options for renewable energy producers in the Pentland Firth, between Caithness and Orkney, to connect energy supplies to the grid.   Xero Energy Ltd has been awarded the contract through the Pentland Firth Tidal Energy Project.  
Extra Caithness Funding Starts To Make A Difference
Extra funding made available by the Scottish Government to assist the economic regeneration of Caithness, is being spent across a rigorous programme of activities driven by Highlands and Island Enterprise (HIE).   Twelve million pounds of additional funding was promised to the area for commitment to projects between 2007-2010.  
Murdo's Mission For The Tourist IndustryThumbnail for article : Murdo's Mission For The Tourist Industry
He's white, fluffy, goes by the name of Murdo and is on a mission to help businesses in the Highlands and Islands capture a bigger share of the lucrative tourist market.   And while he may be small, this West Highland terrier has taken on the big task as a new canine web-based resource for the region's booming hospitality and tourism sector.  
UKAEA Today Evolved Into Dounreay Site Restoration LtdThumbnail for article : UKAEA Today Evolved Into Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd
UKAEA Dounreay today evolved into a site licence company, Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.   The site is also changing how it communicates with the media, public and other stakeholders.  
New Management Structure For Highlands And Islands Enterprise
Economic development agency Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is reorganising its responsibilities and will, in future, focus on three key objectives in order to deliver sustainable economic growth in the region.   From April 2008, HIE will concentrate on assisting high-growth businesses and sectors, improving regional competitiveness as well as strengthening communities.  
Approvals List January 2008 - HIE CAITHNESS AND SUTHERLAND
The approvals list for HIE Caithness and Sutherland is in two sections.  The first details assistance given to businesses, community groups and other public sector authorities to deliver specific projects.  
Louise Smith Joins Project To Promote Pentland Firth EnergyThumbnail for article : Louise Smith Joins Project To Promote Pentland Firth Energy
Louise Smith has been appointed to progress an important marine project set to play a crucial role in revitalising the economy of Caithness following the de-commissioning of Dounreay.  Civil engineer Louise Smith takes up the two-year post of project manager with the Pentland Firth Tidal Energy Project next Tuesday (12 February 2008).  
The approvals list for HIE Caithness and Sutherland is in two sections.  The first details assistance given to businesses, community groups and other public sector authorities to deliver specific projects.  
Could Bog Myrtle Be A New Cash Crop In The North?Thumbnail for article : Could Bog Myrtle Be A New Cash Crop In The North?
Plans for one of the UK's biggest cosmetic makers to turn bog myrtle into an income-earning crop have moved a step closer with approved funding of £201,000 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).   Boots Company PLC has developed products using the essential oil extracted from bog myrtle, a native plant of the Highlands and Islands.  
Businesses across the Highlands and Islands are full of praise for a series of e-tourism workshops that reveal the secrets of how to run a successful online marketing campaign.   Organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in partnership with the Scottish Tourism Forum and VisitScotland, the workshops show tourism businesses how to use e-marketing and e-commerce to compete more effectively in a busy marketplace.  
Dr Paul Fifield, a world renowned marketing strategist, is to deliver a talk on marketing for smaller businesses in Inverness on November 15 at the invitation of The Chartered Institute of Marketing in Scotland (CIM).   Dr Fifield has over 30 years' experience in marketing and was a member of the CIM International Board of Trustees 2002-2004.  
Unemployment Rates In Highland and Islands To September 2007Thumbnail for article : Unemployment Rates In Highland and Islands To September 2007
The September 2007 unemployment figures were released on 17th October 2007.  During the month, August 2007 to September 2007, the number of people claiming unemployment benefit in Great Britain fell 3.4%, from 832,294 to 804,078 (28,216).This figure is lower than September last year, where the number of claimants stood at 924,489, a decrease of 13% (120,411claimants).  
Wick Records Biggest Fall In UnemploymentThumbnail for article : Wick Records Biggest Fall In Unemployment
Over the month, August 2007 to September 2007, the claimant count rose in 1 TTWA, fell in 15, and was static in the remaining 4.  Wick saw the greatest decrease over the month, falling by 0.5%.  
Firms Urged To Embrace Diversity To Improve Business Performance
Businesses in the Highlands and Islands are being urged to embrace diversity to improve performance and productivity.   A new initiative, Equality Matters in Business, (EMB) has been jointly set up by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Scottish Enterprise to highlight the positive benefits of employing a diverse workforce and considering diversity in service delivery across all equality strands - gender, race, age, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation.  
HIE CASE Approvals September 2007
SEPTEMBER 2007 The approvals list for HIE Caithness and Sutherland is in two sections.  The first details assistance given to businesses, community groups and other public sector authorities to deliver specific projects.