HIAL launches draft Gaelic Language Plan
9th April 2013
Regional airports group HIAL has today launched a draft Gaelic Language Plan for consultation.
In common with other public authorities, HIAL is required by the Scottish Government to produce a Gaelic Language Plan under the terms of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.
The draft five year Plan outlines a series of measures by HIAL to support and promote the Gaelic Language and culture, in line with the aspirations and objectives set out in the National Gaelic Language Plan.
Proposals include the creation of a bilingual the HIAL logo, increased use of Gaelic in airport signage, terminal information screens and online, Gaelic awareness training for frontline staff, and the appointment of Gaelic language ambassadors.
Members of the public, Gaelic organisations, public agencies, business groups and others will have an opportunity to respond to the outline proposals during a six week consultation, which closes on 22 May.
Inglis Lyon, Managing Director of HIAL, said: “The Gaelic language and culture is an important part of Scotland’s heritage and identity. With airports across Scotland and around 1.3 million UK and international passengers, HIAL is determined to play its part in supporting the development of Gaelic, and in raising its profile across Scotland.”
How to respond to the consultation
HIAL is inviting responses to its draft Gaelic Language Plan from members of the public, local politicians, government, public and private sector agencies, Gaelic organisations and others with an interest in the Gaelic language.
If you have any comments about the Plan, please send your response to:
Gaelic Language Plan, HIAL, Corporate Office, Inverness Airport, Inverness, IV2 7JB
You can also comment by email:gaelic[AT]hial.co.uk
The consultation closes on 22 May 2013. Submissions received after this date may not be considered.
All responses received will be published in a report to Bòrd na Gàidhlig and made publicly available. If you wish your response to remain anonymous, please indicate this clearly when contacting HIAL.
Following the conclusion of the public consultation, a final version of the Plan will be presented for consideration by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Download the draft Gaelic Language Plan at -
HIAL a' cur air bhog Plana Gàidhlig
Tha am buidhean phort-adhair roinneil HIAL an diugh a' cur dreach dhen Phlana Gàidhlig aca a-mach gu co-chomhairleachadh poblach.
Coltach ri ùghdarrasan phoblach eile, tha HIAL air iarraidh le Riaghaltas na h-Alba Plana Gàidhlig a dheasachadh fo chumhachan Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005.
Tha am plana 5 bliadhna a' soilleireachadh na ceumanan a ghabhas HIAL ann a bhith a' cur taic ri is a' leasachadh na Gàidhlig is a cultar, a-rèirs na h-iarratasan agus na h-amasan a th'air am mìneachadh ann am Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig.
A-measg na molaidhean tha a bhith a' dealbh logo dà-chànanach, a bhith a' nochdadh barrachd Gàidhlig ann an soidhnichean, ann am fiosrachadh agus air loidhne, trèanadh ann am mothachadh cànain airson luchd-obrach a dhèiligeas ris a' phobail, agus a bhith a' fasdadh tosgairean airson na Gàidhlig.
Bidh cothrom aig muinntir an t-sluaigh, buidhnean Ghàidhilg, buidhnean phoblach agus gnìomhachasan freagairtean a thilleadh dha na dreach molaidhean anns na sia seachdainean cho-chomhairleachaidh, a tha a' crìochnachadh air 22 den Chèiteann.
Thuirt Inglis Lyon, Àrd Stiùiriche HIAL: “Tha Gàidhlig is a cultar na pàirt chudthromach de dhualchas agus dearbh-aithne na h-Alba. Le puirt-adhair air feadh na h-Alba agus mu 1.3 millean luchd-siubhail bhon Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus thall thairis, tha HIAL airson taic a chur ri leasachadh na Gàidhlig, agus a bhith a' togail a h-ìomhaigh air feadh na h-Alba.”
Mar a bheir thu freagairt dhan cho-chomhairleachadh
Tha HIAL a' fiathchadh freagairtean dhan dreach Plana Gàidhlig bho mhuinntir an t-sluaigh luchd poileataigeach ionadail, riaghaltas, buidhnean anns na roinnean phoblach is phrìobhaideach, buidhnean Ghàidhlig agus daoine eile le ùidh 'sa Ghàidhlig.
Ma tha beachdan sam bith agaibh mun Phlana, le bhur toil cuiribh iad gu:
Gaelic Language Plan, HIAL, Corporate Office, Inverness Airport, Inverness, IV2 7JB.
Faodar fios a chur air post-dealain gu:
Tha an co-chomhairleachadh a' crìochnachadh air 22 den Chèitean 2013. Ma gheibhear ar beachdan às dèidh a' chinn-latha seo 's mathaid nach tèid beachdachadh orra.
Thèid na freagairtean uile an clo-bhualadh ann an aithisg gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus thèid an dèanamh poblach. Nam bu mhath leibh gum biodh ar freagairtean gun urra, dèan seo follaiseach nuair a chuireas sibh fios gu HIAL, le bhur toil.
Nuair a thig crìoch air a' cho-chomhairleachadh phoblach, thèid sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na freagairtean uile agus thèid beachdachadh orra le cùram. Thèid dreach deireannach a chur gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson aonta.
Luchdaich a-nuas dreach dhen Phlana Gàidhlig
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