Thurso Glassblower Heads For Europe
27th May 2007

Thurso glassblower Ian Pearson is looking back to move forward. He has been invited to speak at the European Glassblowers Symposium to be held in Veldhoven, Netherlands in June. The subject of Ian's presentation is the history of scientific glassblowing in Scotland during the last fifty years. As Chairman of the British Society of Scientific Glassblowers, Ian is no stranger to speaking about glass but at Veldhoven with over four hundred delegates from twenty one countries this will be his largest audience. Says Ian, "with such a large multi-national audience maybe not everyone will understand so will emphasize the importance of scientific glass in Scotland by using plenty of visuals, hence the T-shirt!"
This is the first time that such a symposium has been held in Europe and was born from discussions that Ian had with the president of the German glass society in 2002 at Stirling. Not only will the event be a stage for glass but will promote Scotland in a unique historical manner.
European Glassblowers Symposium 6/6-9/6/07
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