Local Authority News
Highlands welcomes more probationer teachers for 2016/17 session
One hundred and thirty probationer teachers were recently welcomed to the Highlands (on Friday 12 August), at an induction course held in the Highland Council Chamber. Councillor Drew Millar, chair of Education, Children and Adult Services said: "I am very pleased to see so many people keen to start a career in education.10/8/2016
Council Leader supports calls to reintroduce ETV in North West waters
Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson is supporting calls for the reintroduction of an Emergency Towing Vessel (ETV) for waters around the west of Scotland and the Western Isles. Cllr Davidson said: "I strongly support the calls from our colleagues in the Western Isles who have to deal with the serious consequences of having an oil rig threaten their coastline.8/8/2016
New arrangements for householders at Wick Recycling Centre as Council targets commercial use
From 5th September householders who wish to take their waste to Wick Recycling Centre in a van, pickup truck, sign written vehicle and/or a trailer will be required to complete a Household Waste Declaration form before visiting the site or face being turned away. The move, approved by the Community Services Committee, aims to improve the operation of Recycling Centres by eliminating illegal practice from commercial operators, increasing recycling and improving skip availability at peak times for householders.4/8/2016
Urgent action is needed if the condition of Scotland's roads is to improve
A new report published today says proper maintenance of the roads network is vital for economic prosperity and for people to get around safely. However, roads authorities, locally and nationally, urgently need to be more innovative, develop robust ways to compare relative efficiency, and engage better with road users.1/8/2016
Council Chair welcomes end of Right to Buy Council Houses in Highland
As a result of changes to legislation, today (Monday 1 August), the "Right to Buy" has ended for all tenants, a move which has been welcomed by the Chair of Highland Council's Community Services. The Council has faced a large increase in applications over the last 3 months as many tenants have applied to buy their home before the change in legislation took effect.27/7/2016
Trading Standards take action against sales of designer goods on Facebook
Repeat offender sentenced after Trading Standards take action against sales of designer goods on Facebook Following a Trading Standards investigation, a 37 year old woman appeared in Inverness Sheriff court for sentencing today after having been found guilty of 15 charges of selling fake designer labelled goods from two addresses in the Highlands. This is the second time the individual involved had been investigated by Trading Standards and found guilty in court of such offences.25/7/2016
Black Isle Show continues to be the ‘Real Deal'
Visitors to the Black Isle Show on the 3rd and 4th August will once again be assured of getting the ‘Real Deal'. Last year Highland Council and the Black Isle Farmers Society made a commitment to keep the show free of fake goods by signing up to the Real Deal markets' charter.22/7/2016
Death of Inverness Councillor John Ford
Highland Councillor John Ford who represented the Culloden and Ardersier Ward in Inverness has died suddenly while on holiday. Councillor Ford, a member of the Council's Labour group, has served on The Highland Council since becoming elected in May 2003, attending committee meetings at Glenurquhart Road and Inverness Town House.22/7/2016
Grass cutting options to be considered by Highland Council
Amenity grass cutting is carried out by both contracted staff and in-house staff. The contracted work is carried out through various contracts and the current contracts expire next year.18/7/2016
Beware Buying Cheap Electrical Equipment From Roaming Traders
Highland householders and small businesses urged to think twice about buying equipment from itinerant traders The Highland Council's Trading Standards team have seized over 20 items of machinery and equipment belonging to an itinerant trader. The seizure follows community safety action alongside Police Scotland in the Fort William area.11/7/2016
Restored Thurso building to throw open its doors
The Highland Council is to throw open the doors of 30 Princes Street on the corner with St John Square in Thurso on Saturday 16th July 2016 to give members of the public, councillors and community councillors the chance to see how it has restored and brought back into use this iconic Category B listed building which sits a prime position within the conservation area of the town. Originally constructed in the early 1800s, over a period of time, lack of maintenance led to the demolition of the chimney head and the rear stair tower.5/7/2016
Take a stand against scams urges Highland Council Trading Standards
As part of the Highland Consumer Partnership, The Highland Council's Trading Standards team and Highland Citizens Advice Bureaux want to encourage everyone to take a stand against Scams this July and to raise awareness of this debilitating crime. Every year UK consumers lose millions of pounds through scams, not to mention the devastating psychological effects on the victims they leave behind.3/7/2016
DLITE in Highland - student teachers graduate using distance learning programme
Eleven Highland students graduated as teachers (Saturday 25 June 2016) through the University of Aberdeen in partnership with The Highland Council following an eighteen month distance learning PGDE (Primary) Programme. The Distance Learning Initial Teacher Education (DLITE) PGDE Primary Programme is completing its second session in June 2016, seeing these students enter their Probation year in Highland schools this August.3/7/2016
Inverness Tilting Pier Project Sinks Under Weight Of Public Opinion
The City of Inverness Committee today voted in favour of an amendment to cancel the tilting pier in favour of an alternative project to meet the brief of the Gathering Place project. The remaining projects in the Inverness Arts Programme are to go ahead.1/7/2016
Redesign Board proposes new values and purpose for the Highland Council
The Redesign Board for the Highland Council has drafted proposals for a new Council purpose, values and outcomes, which were presented to full Council on 29 June 2016. The proposals made to the Council are recognised as draft with scope for further amendment, depending on views gathered from staff, partners and the general public.1/7/2016
Highland Council issues a statement setting out its position on the EU
The HIGHLAND Council on Thursday 29th June 2016 considered the impact of last Thursday's vote for the UK to leave the European Union. Members noted the expected implications for Highland of the UK decision to leave the European Union and agreed to meet as appropriate to consider possible scenarios and initiate contingency planning.27/6/2016
Highland Council to consider impact of EU Referendum result for Highland
The HIGHLAND Council is to bring a paper to its meeting on Wednesday which will allow members to discuss possible impact of Thursday's vote for the UK to leave the EU. Leader of the Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson said: "The result of the referendum on Thursday will have considerable consequences for us all over the coming months and years.24/6/2016
Highland votes Remain in EU referendum
Michelle Morris, Senior Depute Counting Officer for Highland has declared the results of the European Union Referendum 2016 count in Highland. Highland voters have voted to Remain in the European Union.23/6/2016
Additional Support Needs Funding Sustained
The Highland Council can confirm that it will sustain the current funding for Additional Support Needs in Primary and Secondary Schools for the new school year - 2016/17. While the Council has taken measures to address a £40m budget gap, it will not require to reduce the funding to schools for children with additional needs.10/6/2016