Local Authority News
The new acting head teacher of Thurso High School will be Mr Ken Murphy, who is currently Depute Head Teacher at the school. He has been appointed as Acting Head Teacher, pending re-advertisement of post, and the appointment of a permanent Head Teacher.
The Highland Council has awarded an �8.5 million contract for the first phase of works to build flood defences on the River Ness, Inverness to protect 800 homes and 200 businesses. The works between Ness Bridge and Friars Bridge will include streetscape features and public art.
The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the Capital and Infrastructure Committee�s report into community transport published last week. Community Transport is a vital part of overall transport provision.
The Highland Council has been commended for its efforts to improve its use of paper in a report published today by a European environmental watchdog. Identified as a �high-flyer� by the European Environmental Paper Network (EEPN), the Council was placed third in the Government sector, and in the top band of scores overall.
Cabinet Secretary given assurances over community partnership working. Left to right: Chief Superintendent, Julian Innes, Police Scotland (Highlands & Islands Division); Dr Ken Oates, Consultant, NHS Highland; Alistair Dodds, Chief Executive, The Highland Council; Jonathan Hart, Highlands & Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group; Drew Hendry, Leader, The Highland Council; Kenny MacAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice; Scott Hay, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (Highlands & Islands Area Manager).
The Highland Council Leader Councillor Drew Hendry has warmly welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Government that they are ending the right of Council house tenants to buy their Council homes. He said: �The Highland Council supported this proposal at the consultative stage, as we have welcomed previous changes that have restricted the Right to Buy.
Wick Harbour Authority's ambitious plans to attract new jobs to the area from the offshore wind industry have received a boost with the combined support of £450,000 from two partners in the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP). The Harbour Authority is positioning the port to attract business from the two large offshore wind developments in the Moray Firth, and is currently working on a multi-phase programme to ensure that its facilities meet the requirements of industry.
Council Leads the Charge on Green Energy Provision. The Highland Council is demonstrating its commitment to providing cleaner, greener energy for its sites with the award of a 4 year, �1.2M per annum contract for the servicing, maintenance and repair of biomass installations including the supply of woodfuel.
The Highland Council is introducing charging for concessionary places on school transport from the start of the new school session on 20 August. This charge will apply where there are seats available on school transport contracts for pupils who do not qualify for free transport on the grounds of distance, road safety or additional support needs.
More consumers in Highland will now have a way to find out how well local food caterers and retailers are performing thanks to the complete roll-out of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme across the area. The Highland Council is one of the 32 Scottish local authorities taking part in the Scheme.
The Highland Council is to create three new Area Committees to complement the two already operating successfully in Inverness and Caithness & Sutherland. The committees will cover Skye and Ross & Cromarty (23 members), Nairn and Badenoch & Strathspey (8 members) and Lochaber (7 members).
Peak time restrictions are being lifted on the Kessock Bridge on Saturday 29th June, reopening all lanes to traffic during the day, as the first phase of the �13.2 million upgrade draws to a close. Balfour Beatty will continue work on the bridge during off peak hours and at night.
An extra �1 million is to be spent on roads maintenance in the Highlands in this financial year. The one-off injection has been allocated by the Council from its new �5 million Strategic Change and Development Fund to help improve the condition of the Council�s 4,217 mile regional roads network.
The future of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters (PFOW) will be guided by the outcome of a joint consultation launched by Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council, The Highland Council and Heriot-Watt University. Two documents have been produced to support the development of a pilot Marine Spatial Plan that aims to balance the needs of all existing and future users of the PFOW.
An initiative to dramatically reduce carbon emissions in Inverness and the Highlands by 2025 is being proposed by The Highland Council�s Leadership. A report to be considered by the Council at its meeting on Thursday (27 June) asks the Council to sign up to a long term commitment to create a Carbon Neutral Inverness in a Low Carbon Highlands; branded as a Carbon CLEVER Highlands by 2025.
The Highland Council has appointed a new Chief Executive. He is Steve Barron, the Council�s Depute Chief Executive and Director of Housing and Property.
Council�s new 10-year building programme will boost Highland construction industry. The Leadership of The Highland Council today (Thursday) unveiled ambitious and exciting long term plans that will boost the Highland economy, with spending of almost one billion pounds over the next 10 years.
The Highland Council is advising the public that the second and final phase of ground condition investigations are under way in relation to the Inverness West Link road. Holequest Ltd, who carried out the bulk of the ground Investigation works for the first phase of the investigations, have returned for the second phase and this involves boreholes being installed in the River Ness at the proposed bridge pier locations.
Local shops and businesses across Highland are being encouraged to take advantage of a new retailing opportunity � bagged wood pellets for domestic biomass heating systems. The Highland Council is hosting an event in Inverness on Thursday 20 June to encourage an increase in the supply of domestic biomass fuel across the area.
The Highland Council�s Leader Councillor Drew Hendry says the Highlands is bucking the trend of declining house building in Scotland, with a very encouraging delivery of new homes throughout the region. Councillor Hendry was speaking in the wake of reports that the building of new homes in Scotland has hit a 65-year low caused by the recession in the construction industry over the past few years.