Highland Community Regeneration Programme To Continue 2023/24
4th May 2023
Today (Thursday 4 May 2023), Members of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed to continue to build on the success of the 2022/23 Community Regeneration Programme for 2023/24.
Economy and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said: "Following a successful first year the new Highland Community Regeneration Programme model has been well received, bringing a streamlined application, grant award and claim processes to project applicants and grant recipients.
"With Place Based Plans being prepared and rolled out this financial year, this will help our communities identify their local priorities and in turn this then will help ensure that community regeneration funds are targeted to help deliver those projects most needed locally."
Once all funding is confirmed and fund arrangements made, the Council will separately be publicising the launch of the 2023/24 Highland Community Regeneration Fund.
The multi fund approach successfully adopted by the Council in 22/23 merits extension and expansion into 2023/24. To progress and build from the HCRP several actions are required:
Highland Coastal Communities Fund - The Council receives on an annual basis, funding from the Scottish Government to support projects that deliver economic regeneration and sustainable development in coastal areas. The coastal focus is driven by the fact that the funds are sourced from the net revenues of the Crown Estate Marine assets in Scotland. An award of £2,887,397 has been received for 2023/24. Appendix 1 of the report sets out the proposed distribution and strategic and local decision-making arrangements.
Place Based Investment Programme - The Council receives on an annual basis, funding from the Scottish Government to support projects that are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities and accelerate ambitions for place, 20-minute neighbourhoods, town centre action, community led regeneration and community wealth building. Highland Council has yet to receive a formal grant award letter 2023/24. Appendix 2 of the report sets out the proposed distribution (subject to formal grant award) and local decision-making arrangements.
Community Led Local Development (CLLD) - The Scottish Government has put in place the CLLD programme to help sustain community development across Scotland's rural area following the ending of the EU LEADER programme. Highland has yet to receive a formal grant award letter 2023/24. Appendix 3 of the report sets out the proposed approach to the management of this fund (subject to formal grant award) and how its delivery in 2023/24 will be aligned and coordinated with other community regeneration funds.
UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) - The UKSPF has Communities and Place as one of its programme priorities. Within the approved Highland Investment Plan, funding £1.43M has been secured for six interventions: -
Place based investments for regeneration and town centre improvement.
Support and improvement of community assets and infrastructure projects.
Impactful volunteering and/or social projects.
Investment in capacity building and resilience for local groups.
Community measures to reduce the cost of living.
Investment and support for digital infrastructure for local community facilities.
Other Funds - Across a financial year time limited Challenge Fund opportunities arise whereby the Council is asked by the Scottish Government to advertise the opportunity, assess (and short-leet/prioritise) applications against criteria before submitting them for decision-making. Thereafter if the applications are successful, the Council is asked to manage the grant award and claim process. Appendix 5 of the report sets out a decision-making process to assist with this work.
The full report can be read here
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