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Vision For Inverness Castle Experience Takes A Step Closer To Reality

2nd December 2023

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Photograph of Vision For Inverness Castle Experience Takes A Step Closer To Reality

It was announced on Friday 1 December 2023 that Workhaus Projects has been awarded the contract to carry out the interpretation for the interior of the Inverness Castle Experience.

Workhaus Projects will combine creativity, design, technology and craftsmanship to create a world-class visitor experience within the transformed castle building, bringing the vision of content designers Mather & Co to fruition.

The result will be an immersive and educational experience that will engage and delight all visitors.

Workhaus Projects has been working within the museum, heritage and visitor attraction sector for over two decades, transforming spaces into memorable visitor experiences.

Examples of Workhaus' expertise can be seen at:

St Andrews - World of Golf
V&A Dundee - Tartan Exhibition
Wizarding World - New York
Eureka! - Mersey
Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Fergus Ewing MSP, Co-chair of the Inverness Castle Delivery Group, said: "We are very excited to be announcing this next chapter in the story of Inverness castle experience.

"The construction work is progressing well and the designs for each aspect of the Inverness Castle Experience are fully developed. Workhaus Projects will now begin the process of bringing those designs to life, for visitors to enjoy when the Inverness Castle Experience opens in 2025."

Cllr Ian Brown, Leader of Inverness City and Area and Co-chair of the Inverness Castle Delivery Group, said: "We are thrilled to have partnered with Workhaus Projects, supporting the delivery of what will undoubtedly become one of the Highlands' leading visitor attractions.

“This project is part of a list of projects planned by The Highland Council which seek to rejuvenate and revamp the region's cultural and heritage attractions, so that the Highlands can continue to attract and appeal to visitors, for many more years to come."

Jim Ibbetson, Managing Director, Workhaus Projects, said: “With an extensive skill set in-house along with support from trusted subcontractors, for specialist aspects of the fit-out, it will allow us to transform the Inverness Castle Experience and designers Mather & Co’s vision into reality, delivering a one-of-a-kind fit-out that captures the essence of this project's uniqueness and creativity."

The Inverness Castle project is part of the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal, which is a joint initiative supported by up to £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and University of the Highlands and Islands, aimed at stimulating sustainable regional economic growth.

In the Rose Window room at Inverness Castle Experience L to R: Chris Mather - CEO Mather & Co, Jim Ibbetson - Managing Director and Joe Fisher - Director Workhaus Projects, Fiona Hampton - Director of Inverness Castle High Life Highland, Jason Kelman – Principal Project Manager the Highland Council. Credit: HLH/Paul Campbell Photography


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