A Step Closer For Integration Of Health & Social Work Services
16th June 2011
Planning for Integration - development of a lead agency model in Highland for care and health services
Highland Councillors and the NHS Highland Board will be asked next week to press ahead with plans for the integration of health and social care services.
The Scottish Government is looking to the Highlands to produce a model for care and support services for adults and children, that can influence developments across Scotland. A further report will be considered at the third joint meeting of Highland Council and NHS Highland on Thursday 23 June, to confirm that both organisations remain committed to this process.
Councillors and Health Board members will be asked to agree what services will be included in the integration of health and social care, which will see NHS Highland as the lead agency for adults and the Council leading on services for children and families. This would involve an estimated 1,400 staff in adult community care services transferring from The Highland Council to NHS Highland, and an estimated 230 staff in child health services transferring to the Council. The target date for implementation is April of next year.
The Council and NHS Highland believe that this new model will improve front line services for the benefit of everyone by achieving:
· Clearer, faster access to services
· Streamlined working processes, which make more sense to users and carers
· Reduced duplication and avoiding people 'falling between two stools' in the system
· Improved communications between staff involved with an individual or family
· Improved decision making, involving staff at local level
· Improved planning of care with individuals and families
· Improved partnership working with users and carers
The report proposes that the organisations establish new partnership forums in local communities, which will bring together councillors and local managers, with community representatives and professional groups. The details of these proposals are presently being consulted on in a series of Ward Forums.
The report also states that each partner would be required to undertake a review of their managerial and committee structures. NHS Highland and Highland Council believe that these developments will influence anticipated Scottish Government national guidance in 2012. The Scottish Government is funding the additional support that is required to put these measures in place.
Jan Baird, Transitions Director of the Planning for Integration Project, says in her report: "Further work has been progressed in planning for integration but much is still required to be completed to enable implementation of Integrated Services in a Lead Agency Model. Much of the focus is on working with the public and communities through ward forums and stakeholder events and staff - through meetings newsletters, Frequently Asked Questions and websites - to explore the model and the implications."
Members and NHS Directors are asked to:
· Agree the development of an Integrated Children's Service with the Highland Council as the lead agency
· Agree the development of an Integrated Adult Service with NHS Highland as the lead agency
· Agree the proposed model of Governance
Agree the approach to commissioning
· Confirm that the outcome agreements and commissioning documentation will be the subject of further reports to the Board and Council
· Continue to support the Programme of implementation.
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