Launch of new InvestHighland website ahead of Scottish Cities Week in London
20th January 2025

This week the Council officially launches its new and improved InvestHighland website to promote the wealth of inward investment opportunities and attract the best talent to the area.
Invest Highland is supported by The Highland Council and is dedicated to promoting and developing our region as an attractive and sustainable destination for business, international investors, talent and visitors.
The ‘Team Scotland' ethos is central to this, working closely with our partner agencies and private sector.
The Highland Council's Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said: "The relaunch and rebranding of InvestHighland is fantastic as it mirrors the scale of the economic opportunities we have now and into the future.
Many decision makers and investors from across the UK and internationally are monitoring what's happening in Highland and InvestHighland gives us a great shop window to promote these opportunities".
The new website and Invest Highland brand have been established as a landing platform for businesses and individuals interested in finding out more about what the Highlands can offer. The website covers everything from the Green Freeport to the Creative Industries. It is geared to both large companies looking to invest in the region as well as individuals wanting to take up some of the new job opportunities and start a new life in the Highlands.
Follow the new InvestHighland LinkedIn account to keep up to date with news and opportunities in Highland.
The launch comes ahead of Council attendance at Scottish Cities Week in London (20-23 January 2025) - one of prominent events in the calendar to highlight the increasing number of opportunities in Highland to a wide range of national and international investors and developers. There is a strong partnership presence from Highland this year with representatives from the Council being joined by Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Calum Macpherson the CEO of the Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport.
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