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Key to future of second dedicated Gaelic School in Highland

6th July 2015

Photograph of Key to future of second dedicated Gaelic School in Highland

The new Head Teacher of the new Lochaber Gaelic primary school, Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, received the keys to Highland Council's second purpose built Gaelic school in the Highlands today (Friday 3 July 2015).

Frank Reid, Regional Managing Director for Robertson Construction Northern - contractors for the development at Ardgour Road in Caol - handed the keys for the property over to Head Teacher, John Joseph MacNeil, who takes up post at the start of the new term in August.

Mr Reid said: "We have worked closely with Highland Council on several schools projects in the past and we are delighted to have been involved in delivering a state of the art new school which will provide a bright, modern environment for Gaelic education teaching."

The new school has four classrooms and nursery facilities, and capacity to be extended. It is arranged around two central courtyards that provide teaching and resource areas, and includes a community room adjacent to a production kitchen, a general purpose art and music room, and offices for Gaelic Development Officers.

Accepting the keys, Mr MacNeil said: "I am extremely delighted and excited to receive these keys to the new school within which I am looking forward to working with pupils, staff, parents and the wider community as we move forward together into our fantastic new community school."

Councillor Drew Millar, Chair of the Councils Education, Children and Adult Services Committee said: "I am delighted that the Gaelic school in Fort William has now been handed into the care of the Head Teacher. This will be a superb learning environment for bi-lingual education in Lochaber and I wish the staff and pupils all success for the future and look forward now to seeing the next stand-alone Gaelic school coming on-stream in Portree in the near future."

Leader of the Council's Lochaber Area Committee, Councillor Thomas MacLennan said: "This is a great move forward for Gaelic Education in Fort William and Lochaber and for the local community as the new community facilities will act as a focal point for locals."

Welcoming the completion of the school, Chairman of the Council's Gaelic Implementation Group, Councillor Hamish Fraser said: "Not only does this mark the second purpose built Gaelic school in the Highlands (the first in Inverness), it is also the fourth Gaelic School in the Highlands which is a great achievement for the development of Gaelic Education."

Iuchair gu dàrna sgoil ùr Ghàidhlig sa Ghàidhealtachd

An-diugh (Dihaoine 3 Iuchar 2015) fhuair Ceannard ùr Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar iuchraichean na sgoile ùir - an dàrna sgoil Ghàidhlig a tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air a thogail airson an adhbhair sin fhèin sa Ghàidhealtachd.

Thug Frank Reid, Manaidsear-stiùiridh Roinneil aig Robertson Construction Northern – cunnradairean an leasachaidh air Rathad Àird Ghobhar sa Chaol – seachad na h-iuchraichean do Iain Iòsaph MacNèill, an Ceannard ùr a bhios a' tòiseachadh san dreuchd aig toiseach na teirm ùir san Lùnastal.

Thuirt Mgr Reid: “Tha sinn air obrachadh gu dlùth le Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air grunn phròiseactan sgoile roimhe agus tha sinn fìor thoilichte gun robh sinn an lùib na h-obrach gus sgoil le sàr ghoireasan a lìbhrigeadh. Bheir an sgoil seachad àrainneachd shoilleir, ùr-nodha airson foghlam Gàidhlig a theagasg.”

Tha ceithir seòmraichean-teagaisg agus goireasan sgoil-àraich san sgoil ùir, le comas a leudachadh cuideachd ma bhios sin a dhìth. Tha an sgoil air a togail timcheall air dà chùirt-lios is a’ tabhann raointean teagaisg is ghoireasan, agus tha seòmar coimhearsnachd ri taobh cidsin, seòmar coitcheann ealain is ciùil, agus oifisean airson Oifigearan Leasachaidh Gàidhlig.

A’ gabhail nan iuchraichean, thuirt Mgr MacNèill: “Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan a bhith a’ faighinn iuchraichean na sgoile ùir anns am bi mi ag obair agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair còmhla ris na sgoilearan, an luchd-obrach, na pàrantan agus coimhearsnachd na sgoile san fharsaingeachd fhad ’s a bhios sinn a’ gluasad air adhart còmhla ann an sgoil choimhearsnachd ùr sgoinneil.”

Thuirt an Comhairliche Drew Mac a’ Mhuilleir, Cathraiche Comataidh Seirbheisean Foghlaim, Chloinne agus Inbheach na Comhairle: “Tha mi ro thoilichte gu bheil an sgoil Ghàidhlig sa Ghearasdan a-nis fo chùram a’ Cheannaird. ’S e àrainneachd ionnsachaidh air leth a bhios an seo airson foghlam dà-chànanach ann an Loch Abar agus tha mi a’ guidhe gach soirbheas dhan luchd-obrach is dha na sgoilearan a’ dol air adhart agus tha mi a-nis a’ dèanamh fiughair ris an ath sgoil Ghàidhlig, a bhios a’ seasamh leatha fhèin, ann am Port Rìgh ann an ùine nach bi fada.”

Thuirt Ceannard Comataidh Sgìre Loch Abar na Comhairle, an Comhairliche Tòmas MacIllinnein: “’S e ceum mòr air adhart a tha seo airson Foghlam Gàidhlig sa Ghearasdan is ann an Loch Abar agus airson na coimhearsnachd ionadail seach gum bi na goireasan ùra coimhearsnachd nan co-ionad airson muinntir an àite.”

A’ cur fàilte air crìochnachadh na sgoile, thuirt An Comhairliche Sheumais Friseal, Cathraiche Buidheann Buileachaidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle: “Chan e a-mhàin gu bheilear a’ comharrachadh gun deach dàrna sgoil Ghàidhlig a thogail airson an adhbhair seo fhèin sa Ghàidhealtachd (a’ chiad ann an Inbhir Nis), ’s e seo cuideachd an ceathramh Sgoil Ghàidhlig sa Ghàidhealtachd agus ’s e euchd air leth math a tha sin a thaobh a bhith a’ leasachadh Foghlam Gàidhlig.”

Back ltor: Bill Patrick, Robertson Northern and Dorothy Gibb, Highland Council Estates Officer; Allan Macleod, Projects Director, Robertson Northern and Norma Young, Highland Council Area Care & Learning Manager.
Front ltor: Cllr Brian Murphy, Violet Smith Acting Head Teacher Fort William and Lochyside RC, Head Teacher John Joseph MacNeil, Director of Care & Learning, Bill Alexander and Councillor Bill Clark.


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