Public convenience partnership with Portland Hotel provides Comfort Scheme addition on NC500
26th April 2019
In a boost for the local Caithness area a new Comfort Scheme has started with immediate effect at The Portland Hotel in Lybster in partnership with The Highland Council.
Recently renovated and launched under new ownership in summer of 2018 The Portland Hotel, Lybster is ideally situated on A99 Wick to Latheron main road, which forms part of the busy NC500 tourist route.
The Hotel has excellent facilities which will be open to tourists and members of the public alike. The facility will attract tourists and travellers to stop in the town and links up with other facilities in the network.
Cllr Allan Henderson, Chair of The Highland Council's, Environment Development and Infrastructure Committee said: "The Highland Council continues to provide the largest suite of public toilets in the UK. We said last October that there were considerable opportunities for the Council, through working in partnership with communities and other alternative service providers, to deliver strategic facilities that support tourism across the Highlands and address the increase in visitor numbers on smaller local facilities.
"I am now delighted to say that such an opportunity has come together successfully in Lybster. The new Comfort Scheme facility at The Portland Hotel is an upgraded facility which will provide an enhanced level of service, open for 11 months of the year, from February to December (inclusive) compared to the now closed Council public convenience which was only open between April and September.
"I would like to thank Council Officers and The Portland Hotel for bringing this successful partnership together."
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The information provided is a summary of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time. It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions for travelling.
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The information provided is a summary of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time. It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions for travelling.
The information provided is a summary of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time. It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions for travelling.
The information provided is a summary of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time. It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions for travelling.
The information provided is a summary of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time. It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions for travelling.