Bed & Breakfast News
Forse Of Nature At Latheron Reopens 18th July
Dog friendly cafe and craft shop. We are delighted to announce the we will be re-opening the cafe, craft shop and guest house from the 18th of July! We are well prepared and have plans in place to help with social distancing and protect the safety of our guests.
Regeneration Partnership Update
Weekly Update, 28th November 2011 Energy: The Crown Estate held an event in Thurso this week to update the public on progress with wave and tidal energy plans in the Pentland Firth strategic area. Speakers at the well-attended event included John Callaghan (Crown Estate), Stuart Black (Highland Council), Roy Kirk and Norma Hogan (HIE), Pippa Goldschmidt (Marine Scotland), Dan Pearson (Meygen) and Louise Smith (Caithness Renewables).3/4/2009