Local Authority News
Caithness Heat And Power Identifies Preferred Bidder
Ignis Energy Ltd has been invited by The Highland Council to be its Preferred Bidder to take over the district heating scheme - Caithness Heat and Power Ltd. The Board of Caithness Heat and Power Ltd (CHAP) has written to 260 householders who receive their heat and hot water through CHAP informing them of plans to work with the Council and Ignis aiming to agree a contract by 31 March 2011.22/12/2010
Highland Waste and Recycling Collections - Winter Conditions
Due to the continuing severe winter conditions, there have been disruptions to waste and recycling collections in some Highland Council areas. This is especially so in remote areas or where roads have considerable inclines and also cul-de-sacs with restricted access.20/12/2010
Council Develops Serviced Commercial Plots
The Highland Council to develop serviced commercial plots in Inverness The Council has awarded contracts worth £1.6m to develop 13 commercial plots at the Carsegate Industrial Estate and a further 8 on the Longman. Work will commence this month and will be complete in the spring of 2011.19/12/2010
Council Staff May Reduce By 1000 To Close Budget Gap
The Highland Council has agreed savings to close a £17.8 million gap in its budget for 2011/12 and 2012/13, leaving a further £17 million to be found over the next two financial years. Budget Leader David Alston told councillors that as a result of recent budget announcements by the UK and Scottish Governments, the Council faced a reduction in funding of 2.5% in the new financial year, which equated to about 6% in real terms.19/12/2010
Status quo on display of election posters
The Highland Council has rejected a move to impose a complete ban on election posters on Council property, roadside verges and street furniture in the direct ownership of the Council. The ban was recommended by the Council's Transport Environmental and Community Services in response to complaints by shopkeepers that posters detract from the appearance of main shopping areas.19/12/2010
Review of Customer Services At Council Offices
The Highland Council has agreed to introduce greater sharing of front counter services to avoid a duplication of running and maintenance costs. The review of customer services recognises the results of public consultation, which highlighted that people want to do more business on-line and by telephone and want to see a wider sharing of services.19/12/2010
Council Develops Service Commercial Plots
The Highland Council to develop serviced commercial plots in Inverness The Council has awarded contracts worth £1.6m to develop 13 commercial plots at the Carsegate Industrial Estate and a further 8 on the Longman. Work will commence this month and will be complete in the spring of 2011.19/12/2010
Amenity Grass Cutting Outsourcing Agreed
The Highland Council has agreed savings proposals for grounds maintenance following a detailed discussion at a full council meeting today (Thursday). Earlier in the year, the Council agreed that a tender for routine grass cutting be issued to establish the potential level of savings to be gained from contracting out this area of service.19/12/2010
Health and Social Care Review in the Highlands
The Highland Council and the NHS Highland Board have unanimously agreed to progress far-reaching plans to integrate health and social care services in the Highlands. Meeting jointly at Inverness on Thursday 17 December 2010, they agreed to develop a new model for integrated service delivery, which will further improve front line services, and help achieve better outcomes for the users of services.19/12/2010
Review of Highland Education Provision
A strategic review of Highland Council's education provision and its school estate is to be brought before members of the Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee early in the New Year. Members of the Councils ECS Committee have agreed that a review of education provision will be undertaken and detailed proposals will be presented to them on 13 January 2010 for their consideration.19/12/2010
Young People In Highland Asked To Stand Up For What They Believe In
Young people from the Highlands are being asked by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) to stand up for what they believe in and make a difference in their communities by standing as a candidate in the March 2011 Youth Parliament elections. The Scottish Youth Parliament is a national organisation which provides young people aged 14-25 with a platform to represent young people across Scotland and an opportunity to influence politicians and formal decision makers.17/12/2010
Health and Social Care Review in the Highlands
The Highland Council and the NHS Highland Board have unanimously agreed to progress far-reaching plans to integrate health and social care services in the Highlands. Meeting jointly at Inverness today (Thursday), they agreed to develop a new model for integrated service delivery, which will further improve front line services, and help achieve better outcomes for the users of services.13/12/2010
Work Starts On Radon Testing Programme
In January 2011 The Highland Council is to start testing properties in the Highlands at highest risk from radon gas. A programme has been developed following the publication last year of new radon maps for Scotland produced by the Health Protection Agency (HPA).10/12/2010
Wick High School Consultation
The Consultation Report in relation to the proposal to build a new Wick High School on either the existing Wick High School playing field site or on Bignold Park, Wick, and to determine what community facilities should be included within the new school campus will be available from the 8th December 2010: This report can be accessed either • the Highland Council web-site via www.highland.gov.uk/schoolconsultations, or • hard copies will be available at Wick and Thurso Service Points and Wick and Thurso Libraries and the Area Education Culture and Sport Office, Rhind House, Wick. If you have any comments in relation to this Consultation Report please either e-mail them to: ecsadmin[AT]highland.gov.uk or alternatively forward in writing to Ron MacKenzie Head of Support Services Education Culture & Sport Highland Council Glenurquhart Road, INVERNESS IV3 5NX All comments received will be summarised and made available to Elected Members who will consider this Consultation Report at the Education Culture & Sport Committee on the 13th January 2011.9/12/2010
Health and Social Care Review in the Highlands
A joint meeting of the full membership of The Highland Council and the NHS Highland Board - the first of its kind - will be held next week to consider far-reaching plans to integrate health and social care services in the Highlands. Both organisations are committed to improving the quality and reducing the cost of services through the creation of new, simpler, organisational arrangements.8/12/2010
Highland Council's toilets come top in the UK
Cleaning staff responsible for looking after The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport service toilets are celebrating after scooping 6 national category awards, 4 major national awards and taking home the top UK Trophy for the best Local Authority Entries. The Loo of The Year UK Awards took place in Birmingham on Friday and the first results to be announced were the 2010 National Category Winners for Scotland.5/12/2010
Offenders Pay Back Highland Communities By Clearing Snow
Over the recent week of wintry weather, Community Service Teams have been clearing roads and paths across the Highlands to aid more vulnerable members of the community. More than 60 offenders have been working with The Highland Council Social Work staff to clear snow and grit paths and roads.2/12/2010
Follow-through Inspection of Pennyland Primary School
As part of the inspectorate's ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report has been issued on the inspection by HMIe of the quality of education at Pennyland Primary School. The report from the interim visit is based on the initial inspection report of October 2009 and describes the improvements that have been made since that original inspection.2/12/2010
School Closures in Caithness 3 December 2010
BOWER PRIMARY 2.12.10 AM Bad weather CANISBAY PRIMARY 2.12.10 " Bad weather CASTLETOWN PRIMARY 2.12.10 " Bad weather CROSSROADS PRIMARY 2.12.10 " Bad weather DUNBEATH PRIMARY 2.12.10 " Bad weather HALKIRK PRIMARY 2.12.10 " Bad weather THURSO HIGH SCHOOL 2.12.10 School open, but no transport for pupils on side roads.1/12/2010