News Archive
Dounreay Bulletin - Issue 13
GROUP PUBLISHES SOCIO ECONOMIC STRATEGY. A working group chaired by John Thurso MP and comprising of key stakeholders in the economy around Dounreay has completed its work with the publication of a strategy for addressing the social and economic consequences of site closure.24/10/2006
SEPA Welcomes Radioactive Waste Decision
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is pleased that a clear policy framework for managing higher activity radioactivity wastes in the UK has been decided upon. Today's (Wednesday 25 October) announcement by the UK Government and devolved administrations in response to the recommendations made by the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) foresees this type of radioactive waste being managed in the long term by means of geological disposal and, until such a facility exists, it will be stored in safe and secure interim facilities.24/10/2006
Carbon Monoxide - The Silent Killer
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) today issued a warning about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. As the cold weather approaches, it has urged homeowners and landlords to ensure that their gas appliances are safe to use.24/10/2006
Employers Urged To Retain Older Workers
Food and drink manufacturers in Scotland are being urged to introduce more flexible employment opportunities to help retain older workers. New research commissioned by Improve, the food and drink sector skills council, shows that opportunities such as shorter hours, working from home, or self employment, are more likely to entice employees aged 55 and over to remain in their jobs.19/10/2006
Updated Manpower Forecasts For Decommissioning Dounreay
UKAEA Dounreay today published updated figures about employment at the site and projections of reducing manpower needs as more of the fast reactor experiment is cleaned out and demolished. The report - available on-line here states: Current employment levels of approximately 2000 are expected to reduce by 500 over the next five years.18/10/2006
Biodiesel Trial Looks To Drive Environment Agency Future
Recycled vegetable oil is being harnessed in a two-year biodiesel trial announced today, that will see 100 Environment Agency vehicles reducing their emissions by 20%. The trial will aim to demonstrate the environmental and economic viability of this part renewable fuel, with an independent auditor verifying the effects of long-term biodiesel use on the fleet.18/10/2006
Hie Commits Further £12million To North Highland Regeneration
HIGHLANDS and Islands Enterprise (HIE) today announced it is to invest an extra £12million in Caithness and Sutherland. The extra funding, a 50 per cent increase on the current budget allocation for the area, will be used over the next three years to help address the considerable challenges posed to the area's economy by the decommissioning of Dounreay nuclear plant.15/10/2006
Indicative River and Coastal Flood Map (Scotland)
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is distributing, under licence, initial copies of this map to organisations, including the Scottish Executive, local authorities and emergency services. The map gives an indication of the areas in Scotland potentially at risk of flooding from either rivers or the sea, or both.15/10/2006
The Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion
Do you know anyone who has been key to the promotion of enterprise skills and attitudes in the UK? If so, they could be inline for an award from the Queen. The Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion was launched in 2004 to recognise individuals who make a significant contribution to the promotion of business enterprise or enterprise skills in the UK.15/10/2006
Britain's Enterprise Challenge Returns
Teenagers and twentysomethings across the country are today being called upon to compete in the UK's biggest ever live and simultaneous enterprise challenge - the 2006 Make Your Mark Challenge. Following a successful pilot in 2005 - when over 11,000 students from secondary schools across the UK took part - the 'Make Your Mark Challenge' is back.15/10/2006
Retailers Backward In Coming Forward
Retailers backward in coming forward - Skillsmart Retail makes final call on enterprising retailers to demonstrate workplace skills Skillsmart Retail is calling on talented individuals working in the retail sector to demonstrate their workplace skills and enter themselves or promising individuals into the Enterprising Young Brit awards before the 23 October closing date. The Enterprising Young Brit Awards is a national competition which aims to recognise young people who have developed the necessary skills to turn their ideas into reality.14/10/2006
Northern Farmers Updated On Bull Management
The importance of looking after a newly purchased bull on the first few days following it's arrival at the farm was one of the main messages to emerge from a bull management day, held on an Invernesshire farm this week, and attended by over fifty local beef producers. This was the first in a series of events, "Farming for the Future", organised by SAC in collaboration with NFU Scotland and supported by European Social Funding which aim to help producers adapt to changes following the introduction of the Single Farm Payment.12/10/2006
UK Late Payment Legislation - No Hard Evidence Of Improvement
Late payment still higher than seven years ago despite Government pledge The latest Credit Professional Index (October) from the Institute of Credit Management (ICM) shows that Late Payment by UK companies is still higher than seven years ago - despite a range of Government measures including the introduction of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act in November 1998. The latest research, undertaken for The ICM by the Credit Management Research Centre (CMRC) at Leeds University Business School, is based on company activity in Quarter 2 of 2006 (April-June) and shows that the number of days overdue stands at 17 days on average.11/10/2006
New Sheep Discussion Group To Meet in Caithness
TIME: 1.00pm on Wednesday 18 October 2006 VENUE: Stemster Farms, Georgemas Steading - opposite the Georgemas junction of the A9. The future for sheep farming in Scotland will be the main topic at the first meeting of the North Sheep Discussion Group, a group set up by SAC's Thurso-based farm business consultants to support local farmers.10/10/2006
Making Progress On War On Waste
The third Area Waste Plan Annual Reports published today reveal how local authorities are helping to tackle waste produced throughout each area in Scotland. The reports, which are available on the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) website, are broken down into the 11 individual waste plan areas.10/10/2006
78% Of Scotland's SME's Trading Abroad Unaware Of New Currency Reporting Regs
78% OF SCOTLANDS SMES TRADING ABROAD ARE UNAWARE OF NEW IFRS RULES AFFECTING THE REPORTING OF CURRENCY RISK IFRS will affect all SME businesses trading abroad and how they report currency risk AIM (Alternative Investment Market) businesses have less than four months to prepare for P&L impact There is a severe lack of awareness of new IFRS rules which will affect all SMEs trading abroad according to HiFX, one of the UK's leading foreign exchange specialists. Yet AIM-listed groups have less than four months to prepare for these changes, which have a serious impact on the reporting of currency risk.10/10/2006
Businesses Risk Wasting Energy This Autumn
Unsurprisingly, winter is most often the most expensive time of the year for businesses in terms of energy bills. However, autumn can also be a costly time as businesses run up high bills by heating and lighting businesses for longer than is actually necessary for this time of the year.9/10/2006
Best Rural Retailer 2006
The search is on to find Scotland's best rural retailer, 2006. The Scottish Countryside Alliance is calling on members of the public from all corners of Scotland to nominate their favourite rural shop or business.8/10/2006
New SNH Funding For Peatland Restoration
A new £135,000 funding package to restore an area of blanket bog in the Highlands which had been planted with conifers has been announced by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The money in the form of a grant to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) will be used to restore the forest block to blanket bog in an area of Caithness west of Altnabreac, 23 miles west of Wick.8/10/2006