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News Archive

Big gains for fishing industry
The fish quota package agreed in Brussels includes big gains for the Scottish industry worth around £25 million to the whitefish fleet, Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said today.   Mr Lochhead said the overall package includes increased fish quota in 16 out of 23 key Scottish stocks, including cod and haddock.  
Employment continues to increase
The latest figures show that more people in Scotland are in employment compared to the previous quarter and the same time last year.  They also show that the number of people unemployed has fallen over the quarter.  
Scottish Public Sector Employment
Public Sector Employment Statistics for Scotland, released today by Scotlands Chief Statistician, show that over the year to Q3 2015, employment in the public sector in Scotland has decreased by 500 (down 0.1 per cent) to 544,700.  The lowest level seen since the series began in 1999.  
Commission on Local Tax Reform
The Commission on Local Tax Reform has published Just Change: A New Approach to Local Taxation.   The cross-party commission, established jointly by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), brought together representatives from across the political spectrum to look at options for a fairer local tax system.  
Cereal yields lower than expected
Final cereal harvest estimates, released today, show that Scotlands 2015 cereal harvest has not been the record breaker that was expected.   Initial estimates from the October Crop Report Meeting suggested 2015 would see the best cereal harvest in 20 years in terms of yields.  
Significant overhaul required of Scotlands welfare system, finds Committee
Claimants should be treated with dignity and respect by the social security system, according to a report published today (14 December) by the Scottish Parliaments Welfare Reform Committee.   However, a huge cultural shift will be required if Scotland is to create a better Scottish welfare system.  
Europe must deliver for Scottish fishing
Fisheries Secretary calls for extra fish quotas to implement discard ban.   Scottish fishermen need the European Commission to deliver increased fish quotas and quota uplifts to help them implement the discard ban.  
Forth Road Bridge - travel plan proving effective so far
Transport Minister, Derek Mackay, has thanked travellers for their patience during the first week of disruption caused by the closure of the Forth Road Bridge.   Early indications show that the comprehensive travel plan, launched last Sunday, is helping to minimise the impact on journey times for people moving between Fife and Edinburgh.  
Food suppliers invited to tender for Highland Council contract
The Highland Council is inviting tenders for a new contract for food provisions covering the period from 23 May 2016 to 17 May 2019.   ‘Food provisions are mainly used in school and nursery meals across the Highland area.  
Tough choices for Scotland in wake of UK austerity
Chancellor cut one in every eight pounds..   Finance Secretary John Swinney has warned Scotland faces tough choices in the wake of UK austerity, ahead of the Scottish Government's Budget later this week.  
Community land ownership
Action plan for reaching one million acre target by 2020.   A strategy to significantly increase the amount of land in community ownership has been published today.  
Employability services budget slashed
UK spending review estimated to cut £40m from devolution of new powers.   An estimated 75 per cent cut - reducing anticipated funding by around £40 million a year - to Scottish employability services from the UK spending review will severely affect Scotlands ability to implement a new service in 2017.  
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Weekly update from CNSRP - week commencing 7th December 2015.   Energy & Business Services: At last weeks CNSRP Advisory Board meeting members heard a presentation from John Scott of SSE, outlining the current progress and likely future activities in support of the major electricity grid enhancements taking place in the area.  
The Army Reserves In Caithness Are RecruitingThumbnail for article : The Army Reserves In Caithness Are Recruiting
7 SCOTS - Royal Regiment of Scotland.  The Army Reserves in Caithness and the North of Scotland.  
BOOST TO RAIL SERVICES IN SCOTLAND AS UK GOVERNMENT AWARDS NEXT TRANSPENNINE EXPRESS FRANCHISE.   • The UK government promised passengers in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Motherwell a world class cross-border rail service and today that is being delivered as new contract for the TransPennine Express franchise is awarded.  
Council welcomes new international service with KLM
With its global reach and strong brand recognition, KLM will help ensure local businesses are better connected to key markets around the world.   Tourism providers across the region will also benefit as Inverness joins KLMs worldwide network of destinations.  
Highland Planning Policies to be RefreshedThumbnail for article : Highland Planning Policies to be Refreshed
the Highland-wide Local Development Plan Main Issues Report is just one of the consultations people can take part in.  online consultation portal online consultation portal A series of consultations on planning and housing matters in Highland has been extended.  
Council launches new on-line forms
The Highland Council has launched a new suite of online forms, aimed at customers applying for housing benefit and council tax reduction, requesting a council house and reporting routine council house repairs.   These forms are part of the Councils Digital First programme, supporting and encouraging customers to use online services and giving customers the opportunity to access council services anytime, anywhere, on any device.  
Joint Exchequer Committee
The Joint Exchequer Committee met in London today, chaired by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Rt Hon Greg Hands MP.  The Scottish Government was represented by John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Economy.  
Business views on Forth Road Bridge closure
Deputy First Minister chairs teleconference with business organisations.   Deputy First Minister John Swinney today chaired a meeting of business organisations to hear about the impact of the closure of the Forth Road Bridge.