News Archive
Project Manager Sought For Proposed Nuclear Skills Academy Scotland
A project manager is being recruited to take forward proposals for a Nuclear Skills Academy Scotland. The proposed skills academy is being drawn up in partnership between the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise, North Highland College UHI Millennium Institute and UKAEA Dounreay, which are jointly funding the project manager role.16/11/2006
Another Big Heat And Power Plant For Highland
A PROPOSAL to create a £24million Combined Heat and Power plant at Invergordon has won wholehearted support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) with its board agreeing to a £5.5million contribution to the project. Northern Ireland-based company Balcas Ltd plans to develop its operation on the former Alcan smelter site at the Cromarty Industrial Park.16/11/2006
Hearing Damage Threat To Call Centre Staff
Glasgow, the UK's call centre capital, to host conference Increasing numbers of injuries and illness, and subsequent damages claims, caused by acoustic shock and other noise related hazards are to be discussed by leading experts at the second Acoustic Safety Conference at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow on November 27 and 28. Delia Henry, the director of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf in Scotland, will tell the conference about the dangers to call centre staff in Scotland, and the resulting threat to call centres and the Scottish economy.16/11/2006
Asbestos Removal - New Regulations Seminars
In light of the new changes to the Control of Asbestos Regulations, which came into effect on 13 November, Rhodar - one of the leading HSE licensed removal contractors - and a team of asbestos industry experts will be running a series of free informative seminars, from 21 to 30 November 2006, at key venues across the UK, addressing the impact of these changes. The seminars will: · Address the impact of these critical new changes · Highlight how they will affect facilities and estate managers, building owners and construction professionals · Provide best practice advice on how to comply.16/11/2006
Planning For Expansion Inverness And Nairn
Preferred Options for A96 Corridor At the Planning and Development Committee on Wednesday 15th November Highland councillors gave their approval to the preferred Framework Plans for Nairn and East Inverness which will see a notable rise in the future population in these areas as well as an increase in economic growth and community amenities. The choice of the preferred plans follows the analysis of responses gathered during a period of public consultation which drew a high level of interest and response from members of the public as well as other agencies and stakeholders.15/11/2006
Dounreay Bulletin - Issue 14
LOOKING AT THE FINAL SITE OPTIONS On behalf of the Dounreay Stakeholder Group, UKAEA has published a consultation document detailing the feasible options for the condition of the site when decommissioning is complete. While a final decision on the future use of the land does not need to be made for a number of years community views are being sought now to allow the NDA and its contractor UKAEA to finalise their plans for decommissioning the site with greater certainty.15/11/2006
HIE Approves Funding for Biggest Community Land Sale In History
HIGHLANDS and Islands Enterprise (HIE) today agreed to contribute £2million to the purchase of 92,000acre South Uist Estate by its residents - the biggest community land purchase in Scottish history. The decision secures a £2million contribution to the £4.5million purchase approved by the BIG Lottery Fund's Growing Community Assets Fund last week.15/11/2006
HIE On Course To Meet Annual Targets
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise network (HIE) is on budget and in line to meet or exceed most of its annual performance targets, according to its half-year results announced on Tuesday 14 November. In light of the considerable headway already made in two key areas of its activities, HIE board members have agreed to increase targets for the number of new business start-ups in the region and of assistance given to strengthening community groups.15/11/2006
The Freight Transport Association warns van operators that the requirement for speed limiters to be progressively made operational on vehicles down to 3,501kg gvw has been on-going since 1 January 2005 and will be complete on 1 January 2008. 1 January 2007 is an important date in this programme.15/11/2006
British Small Business Champions 2007 launched
Nominations are now invited for the 2007 British Small Business Champions awards (BSBC). They are the only national awards exclusively for small businesses and their aim is very simple - to celebrate the achievements of and give recognition to UK small businesses.15/11/2006
Hunter Centre Moves To Close "Enterprise Gap" In Education
In the lead up to National Enterprise Week, the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, based at the University of Strathclyde, has moved to close the gap in Scotland's system of enterprise education. In the most significant development since its inception, the Hunter Centre is now inviting applications from school leavers and young people to join Scotland's first purpose designed degree programme in entrepreneurship - the BA Business Enterprise - for entry in September 2007.14/11/2006
DFR Breeder Builds International Links
Following the installation of the 25 tonne crane that is now impressively taking centre stage high over the partially clad building, the interior construction work is rapidly progressing and the layout of the pioneering plant to remove the breeder elements from DFR is beginning to take shape. A site inspector and an assessor from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) have recently accompanied members of the project team to the offices of SGN in Cherbourg, the French company appointed to design, manufacture and install the process cell.
Reach Exploration To Test Drill For Oil Onshore In Caithness
At a recent meeting of the Clyth Latheron and Lybster Community Council two representatives of Reach Exploration, Mr Miles Newman and Mr Phil Mason, addressed the meeting as to the future plans of the company's drilling and testing for oil to the immediate south west of Lybster. The company concentrates on what is considered to be the best places to drill but with a success rate of only one in three and only 50% of the one producing quantities of commercial value it is very much a high risk business.7/11/2006
Public Participation In Options For Dounreay Site End State
ISSUED BY UKAEA, ON BEHALF OF THE DOUNREAY STAKEHOLDER GROUP Options for the Dounreay site end state are the subject of a public consultation announced today. While a final decision on the future use of the land does not need to be made for a number of years community views are being sought now to allow the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and its contractor, UKAEA, to finalise their plans for decommissioning the site with greater certainty.7/11/2006
Public Invited To Attend HIE Board Meeting
HIGHLANDS and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will be holding its next board meeting in public for the first time on Tuesday, November 14. HIE conducts eight board meetings annually at various venues around the Highlands and Islands.7/11/2006
Win A Trip To Boston To Help Your Business Grow
Entrepreneurs with ambitious business plans are encouraged to enter a competition to win a trip to the world famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA. Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and UHI Millennium Institute (UHI) are offering a unique opportunity to help businesses reach their full potential.A Unique Caithness and Sutherland 2007 Calendar - Only 50 Printed - Sold Out
Update on Sell-out Calendar The Calendar has been an instant success and all copies are now sold. Martina promises to start earlier next year and come back with a larger print run.
Options Identified For Dealing With Particles In The Environment
A panel of experts has identified a short-list of 11 feasible combinations of options for addressing the legacy of radioactive particles in the marine environment around Dounreay. The options will be detailed for the first time tonight at the Environmental Research Institute in Thurso when Phil Cartwright (UKAEA) and Paul Dale (SEPA) will provide an update on the recent work undertaken to understand the extent of the contamination and the human health aspects respectively.5/11/2006
A new website from the Freight Transport Association provides comprehensive information, advice, guidance and details of services to support commercial vehicle operators in managing their responsibilities for drivers' hours and digital tachographs. The interactive site explains and demonstrates products and services with moving icons and video clips showing how FTA digital tachograph equipment works.4/11/2006