Misc : Media Services
John O'Groats
Media Services Articles
Caithness.Org Front Page is Changing But You Can Still Reach The Old Front Page If You Want
Some of you may have noticed that the front page of Caithness.org is having a makeover. From the time of the pandemic updates did not happen on our Caithness.org front page whilst other sections did.
16,000 Articles on Caithness Business Index
This week the web site passed 16000 articles. The first article went on in April 2001 and each year since then has seen an increasing number of articles.11/12/2019
John OGroat Journal Now Part Of A New Company After Brief Administration
Scottish Provincial Press, one of Scotland's largest publishers of local newspapers is under new ownership after briefly going into administration. Administrators were called in by Scottish Provincial Press (SPP) on Tuesday morning.8/10/2013
Employers Make Great Savings In Recruitment In Our Jobs Section
Employers in Caithness have made great savings in advertising their vacancies since we set up the recruitment section in our forum. Using our message board jobs section is simple and effective due to the large and growing audience on Caithness.org pages including this business section.24/3/2012
Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter and more...
Phew, what a long week! We've just finished checking every web site link contained within the Caithness Business Index. On top of that, we've added links to every Caithness Business Facebook page, Twitter feed and YouTube video we could find on those web sites.5/12/2011
Personalised Children's Christmas CD's
KOKO'S CHRISTMAS PARTY! PERSONALISED CHILDREN'S XMAS CDs! NAME REPEATS 18 TIMES THROUGHOUT THE CD! HUNDREDS OF NAMES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AVAILABLE! A PERFECT XMAS GIFT FOR ONLY £6.00 EACH + P&P! VISIT OUR ON-LINE SHOP TO CHECK OUT OUR LIST OF NAMES AND PLACE YOUR ORDER! www.hunterpromotions.co.uk Hunter's Promotions Ltd, Wick, Caithness, KW1 4QS Contact Tel Number 01955 605080 Go To The Hunters Store Online www.hunterpromotions.co.uk/shopping.
Free Solar Electricity
FREE SOLAR ELECTICITY FREE HOME SURVEY CALL 01847 890009 RDI Energy Solutions Ltd 2 Princes Street Thurso Caithness KW14 7BQ tel: 01847 890009 fax: 01847 891887.
Add More Information to Your Business Index Listing
In order to provide a better service to the businesses in Caithness we have upgraded our business listings. Businesses in Caithness are now able to add more contact information to their listing helping their customers reach the right person for their enquiry.9/5/2011
Caithness Business Index Now Features Facebook and YouTube
In order to further promote businesses in Caithness we've added a couple of new features to our business listings, Facebook and YouTube. If your business has a page on Facebook we can add a like box to your listing here on the Caithness Business Index.