Local Authority News
New Preventative Services For Highland's Elderly
The Highland Council has published proposals, which will be considered on Thursday (25 October), to fulfil one of the key commitments in its programme - to invest an additional £1million in new preventative services for Highland's elderly. Preventative services involve early intervention, to promote the long-term physical, social, and emotional well-being of people and communities.17/10/2012
Council Properties For Sale
The Highland Council is seeking offers for the sale of surplus Council buildings. This includes a village hall, a former care home, a former school, an office building, a workshop garage and a house.15/10/2012
Almost £2 million to keep Inverness moving during Kessock Bridge works
Transport Scotland has announced a £1.8 million transport package to help ease congestion around the Kessock Bridge resurfacing works next year. A range of roads and public transport measures will be put in place between now and February, including extra seating capacity on trains and buses, additional car parking at Dingwall and Beauly stations, a dedicated bus lane and the re-opening of Conon Bridge Station.15/10/2012
Orkney Licence Premises Caught In Under Age Sales
Three licensed premises to be reported to Procurator Fiscal in Orkney during test purchasing operation police are to report three licensed premises in Orkney to the Procurator Fiscal for selling alcohol to underage teens. The three businesses, two in Kirkwall and one on the west mainland, failed a Test Purchasing operation held by Police on the island yesterday.14/10/2012
Council's E-planning system up and running
The Highland Council can announce that access to the e-Planning service is now available for use. Problems occurred last week which caused the system to be closed down so repairs could be carried out.11/10/2012
Problems with Council's e-Planning System
The Highland Council is advising anyone accessing its e-Planning service that they are working to fix problems with the system and the time to respond to current consultations will be extended to take into account the difficulties experienced by users. A Council spokesperson said: "We are aware that people are currently experiencing difficulty accessing planning application documents on line through our ePlanning system.10/10/2012
River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme Gets Under Way
The first stage of the £23 million River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme, Inverness, which will protect approximately 800 homes and 200 businesses in the city centre, is due to start on 22 October. Work will involve the diversion of gas, water, electricity and telecommunication services required to accommodate the first phase of the construction of piled foundations, a seepage collection system and flood walls/ embankments on both sides of the river between the Ness Bridge and Friar's Bridge.10/10/2012
Highland Trading Standards Service warn of 'free insulation' offers
Use The Highland Council offer From Carillion. Trading Standards officers with The Highland Council are warning all residents to be on their guard when answering 'cold-callers' at their home offering 'free home insulation'.10/10/2012
Highland Youth Convener Resigns - Chance For Another Young Person
John Erskine - the 6th Highland Youth Convener who took up his post at the beginning of September 2012 - is to step down early from his role to take up a position with the Scottish Parliament, working locally from Inverness. The Youth Convener post is unique in Scotland and is part of the area's commitment to better understanding and engaging with issues important to Highland's young people The search for a new Youth Convener will begin after the Highland Youth Voice Conference which takes place in November.8/10/2012
Thurso High School's new Acting Head Teacher
Thurso High School will have a new acting head teacher when pupils return from their October holidays. John McGilp, Head Teacher at Kinlochleven High School, is moving to Thurso High School as Acting Head Teacher until the end of the school session in June, next year.7/10/2012
New Street Art To Complement Flood Scheme In Inverness
Double boost for River Ness Flood and Streetscape Scheme The Highland Council's City of Inverness Area Committee has given a double boost to the River Ness Flood Alleviation and Streetscape Scheme. The Committee has approved £1 million towards the cost of the streetscape element of the major works and £250,000 towards the cost of a public art programme to complement the streetscape works.7/10/2012
Should The Council Make Even Higher Charges For School Lets To Balance The Budget
Council budget blog focuses on how the Council can generate income. The latest topic for discussion on The Highland Council's budget consultation blog asks the public for ideas on how the Council can generate income and also for views on whether the Council should charge more for certain Council services.7/10/2012
Roll out of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme
More consumers in Highland will have a new way to find out how well local food caterers and retailers are performing thanks to more food businesses being covered by the Food Hygiene Information scheme. The Highland Council is one of the 32 Scottish local authorities taking part in the Scheme.7/10/2012
Roll out of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme
More consumers in Highland will have a new way to find out how well local food caterers and retailers are performing thanks to more food businesses being covered by the Food Hygiene Information scheme. The Highland Council is one of the 32 Scottish local authorities taking part in the Scheme.5/10/2012
Pentland Housing Success In Carbon Challenge Award £101,767
Council Leader encourages communities to apply for Climate Challenge Fund. Five communities in the Highlands have between them received over £420,000 from the 11th round of the Climate Challenge Fund and the Leader of The Highland Council hopes more community groups will be encouraged to come forward with projects that tackle climate change.3/10/2012
Taxi Fare Review In Highland
The Highland Licensing Committee is recommending one change to existing taxi fares following an annual review. The proposed change, which would take effect from Monday 21 January next year, is to permit Tariff 2 to be charged from 9.00pm until 7.00am instead of from 10.00pm to 7.00am as at present.3/10/2012
Review Of Garages and Garage Sites
Highland Councillors have agreed to consult with current garage tenants and residents living close to Council garages and garage sites on the number currently vacant and on how to make better use of these areas. The council owns and manages 1,820 individual garages and 904 individual garage sites.2/10/2012
Living Wage For Highland Council Employees By April 2013
The lowest paid employees of The Highland Council will benefit from the introduction of a £7.20 an hour wage from April next year. The national UK minimum wage from 1st October is £6.16 per hour (see below for details of age rules and amounts) Members of the Council's Finance, Housing and Resources Committee today agreed to introduce the Scottish Living Wage by applying a living wage supplement to all employees currently paid less than £7.20 per hour to bring them up to £7.20 per hour from 1 April 2013.2/10/2012
Highlands Awarded Fairtrade Zone Status
The Highlands have been awarded Fairtrade Zone Status by the Fairtrade Foundation. The good news was announced at The Highland Council's Finance Housing and Resources Committee by Council Vice-Convener Councillor Hamish Wood, who has led the Fairtrade campaign over the past two years.1/10/2012