News Archive
Caithness and Sutherland proposed local development plan
Time is running out to have your say on the Caithness and Sutherland Proposed Local Development Plan (CaSPlan). The publication of the Proposed CaSPlan represents another major step forward in the preparation of a new planning framework for Caithness and Sutherland over the next 20 years and beyond.27/2/2016
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Week Commencing 22 February 2016 Energy & Business Services: Good to see in Gordon Calder's piece in today's John O' Groat Journal the upbeat views from Project Director David Taaffe on the likely jobs impact of the MeyGen tidal energy project. The news is also given a balanced and thoughtful welcome in the paper's Leader Column.20/2/2016
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Energy & Business Services: It was good to speak last week with Magnus Davidson of Thurso's Environmental Research Institute (ERI) about the transnational EU-funded project called REGINA. The project aims to reduce the vulnerability of small communities in remoter areas of the Nordic Arctic and Scotland which face the development - or closing down of - large-scale industries.20/2/2016
Forth Road Bridge fully reopens
HGVs to have 24hr access. The Forth Road Bridge is to fully reopen today Saturday 20 February at 11.00pm.20/2/2016
Highest level of employment on record
Unemployment level down five thousand over the quarter. More Scots are in work than ever before according to the latest labour market statistics released today.19/2/2016
Highland Council is set to achieve a balanced Budget
Highland Council is set to achieve a balanced Budget when Council meets on 25 February 2016 to agree proposals. The papers are published online at Leader of the Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson said: I am relieved to say that we have managed to deliver proposals for a balanced budget to be considered at Council next Thursday.17/2/2016
Dingwall and Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 16 February 2016
DINGWALL, Dingwall and Highland Marts Ltd., (February, 16th) sold 32 prime cattle. Prime bullocks (17) averaged 190.8p (+1.7p) and sold to 208p per kg and £1,318.65 gross.17/2/2016
Employability Course 26th Feb - 22nd March
Employability Course 26th Feb - 22nd March - 10:00 - 15:00 at the Brora learning Centre, Brora.13/2/2016
Business Support and Mentoring Programme
Through a project jointly funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL), Caithness Chamber of Commerce is offering business support and mentoring aimed at aspiring businesses in the Caithness & North Sutherland area. If you are considering setting up your own business (either full time or part time), then the Chamber is able to offer guidance and support in areas such as:· · Business planning and writing business plans · Employment responsibilities · Establishing and registering a business · Intellectual property / trademarks · Market research · Marketing and sales This project is open to those looking to start up as a new business or those who have started a business which is less than 6 months old.13/2/2016
Highland Opportunity Ltd to wind up.
The Board of Highland Opportunity Ltd (HOL) has agreed to commence the wind up of HOL and its subsidiaries and to transfer some of its services to The Highland Council. Chair of Highland Opportunity Ltd.13/2/2016
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Week Commencing 8th February 2016. Enabling Activities: Last Saturday (6th February) saw the annual "Jobs and How to Get Them" event, developed again by a group of agencies/ organisations (including CNSRP partners Skills Development Scotland and Highland Council) and managed by Caithness Chamber of Commerce.13/2/2016
Budget discussions continue in the lead up to Highland Councils budget meeting on 25 February
Budget discussions between the Council's Administration and Political Groups and Unions are continuing in the lead up to The Highland Council’s budget meeting on 25 February. The Council held a special meeting on 21 January to consider the results of the budget consultation and the full range of savings proposals are being discussed prior to the finalisation of the Council’s papers next week.13/2/2016
Sustainable Drainage Systems survey
Scottish Natural Heritage and The Highland Council need your help with a short survey about Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) In the past drainage techniques have traditionally been below ground tanks and pipes, which transported water away as quickly as possible, leading to rivers becoming overloaded and causing flooding. SuDS are designed to act more like natural habitat.13/2/2016
Council Leader maintains pressure on Government over ETVs
The Highland Council Leader, Margaret Davidson, gave a cautious welcome to the engagement of key stakeholders in talks with the MCA over the future protection of Highland's coastal waters. Only weeks away from the threatened withdrawal of the last remaining Emergency Towing Vessel (ETV) in the UK, she was joined by a wide range of interested parties all equally determined to make the case for the Highlands and Islands to be properly protected.13/2/2016
Flood funding available
Funding has been provided by the Scottish Government for The Highland Council to administer a flat rate grant of £1,500 to any household, business, community organisation or sports clubs internally affected by flooding since July 2015. This will be provided- To reimburse you for the opportunity cost of not receiving the full benefit of services you pay for through Council Tax /Business Rates while absent from your home, or while your business has had its trading disrupted due to internal property flooding; To enable you to protect your home or business against future floods by installing new flood barriers, or by carrying out flood resilient repairs such as replacing doors and windows with water resistant alternatives, or moving electricity sockets up to a safer level, etc.8/2/2016
Environmental Improvement works to start at Dunnet
The Highland Council has awarded a contract to A & W Sinclair for the delivery of environmental improvement works at Dunnet Bay and Dunnet Head. Work on site will commence week beginning 15th February 2016 and is scheduled for completion by the middle of April.8/2/2016
Scottish Government - Inspiring Teachers - Campaign
Case Study: Professor Iain Baikie. Dynamic chemistry teachers provided the launch pad from which Professor Iain Baikie became a world expert in surface analysis and a successful business owner; developing scientific equipment used by NASA to investigate surface properties on other planets.6/2/2016
RSPB Scotland Buys Nature Reserve At Dunnet Head
RSPB Scotland has announced that it has purchased the nature reserve at Dunnet Head, which is the northernmost point of mainland Britain, after receiving a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The dramatic coastal headland of Caithness, which boasts three-hundred feet-high cliffs, is home to thousands of breeding seabirds like puffins, guillemots, razorbills, fulmars and kittiwakes.6/2/2016
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Week Commencing 1st February 2016 Energy and Business Services: Good to meet this week with June Love and the contractor who is helping CNSRP partner Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) with some work on cost comparison in the oil and gas sector. The work, which is supported by Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd, is also linked to work being taken forward by Scrabster Harbour Trust.6/2/2016