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News Archive

Food and drink workshop for businesses to make the most of 2014 legacy
Food and drink businesses in the Highlands and Islands are invited to attend a free workshop focusing on the development of new innovative products and packaging.   The day-long event, Food and Drink Innovation Workshop - 2014 The Legacy Challenge, will be held at Cowan House in Inverness on Wednesday July 10 and will be hosted by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in partnership with the 2014 Food and Drink Team.  
Wind farm wind falls should bring socio-economic benefits to Caithness
Youth employment opportunities, tourism initiatives, improved transport links and support for businesses came out top in a recent survey to find out what wind farm windfalls should be spent on in Caithness in the future.   Not surprisingly, the Caithness Conversation Community Profile suggests that a high percentage of the funds should be spent on communities nearest the wind farm but the idea of setting aside a smaller pot of funds for county-wide initiatives was also supported.  
The Highland Council establishes three new area committees
The Highland Council is to create three new Area Committees to complement the two already operating successfully in Inverness and Caithness & Sutherland.   The committees will cover Skye and Ross & Cromarty (23 members), Nairn and Badenoch & Strathspey (8 members) and Lochaber (7 members).  
Plans To Cut Electricity Costs In HighlandThumbnail for article : Plans To Cut Electricity Costs In Highland
SSEPD launches ‘more for less’ business plan on the future of the local electricity network in Highland region.   Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD), a subsidiary of SSE plc, has today published a detailed business plan that aims to deliver a 10% cut to the distribution network costs for customers in the Highland region.  
Careers service delivering results for Highland
IN HIGHLAND, 5,217 people met with Skills Development Scotland staff last year looking for help to get training or a job.   SDS website My World of Work also proved a key point of support with more than 230,000 people across Scotland now registered to use the interactive service.  
Mey Selections Meat Goes To Europe In New Deal
Croft-reared Highland beef and lamb served at the royal wedding reception of Prince William and Kate Middleton is now available nationwide and even across Europe, thanks to a brand new partnership between Mey Selections and Campbells Prime Meat Ltd.   Eight Mey Selections cuts of beef are now available for sale direct to the public on Campbells Website and can be delivered fresh across the UK and Europe.  
Stirkoke Mill To Be Sold By AuctionThumbnail for article : Stirkoke Mill To Be Sold By Auction
An unusual auction sale is to be held in July when Stirkoke Mil will go under the hammer.   For sale by Auction Wilsons Auctions, Dalry on 18th July at 18.30hrs link or via Drever & Heddle See details also at  
Islands Set To Get More Wind Projects
The UK Government announced its intention today (Thursday 27 June 2013) to consult in the summer on additional support for renewables projects located on islands (where these have clearly distinct characteristics to typical mainland projects).  This is on a timetable to allow a differential strike price to be set for these projects in the final Delivery Plan in December.  
Peak time restrictions lifted on Kessock BridgeThumbnail for article : Peak time restrictions lifted on Kessock Bridge
Peak time restrictions are being lifted on the Kessock Bridge on Saturday 29th June, reopening all lanes to traffic during the day, as the first phase of the £13.2 million upgrade draws to a close.   Balfour Beatty will continue work on the bridge during off peak hours and at night.  
New fund aims to deliver services at reduced cost
An extra £1 million is to be spent on roads maintenance in the Highlands in this financial year.  The one-off injection has been allocated by the Council from its new £5 million Strategic Change and Development Fund to help improve the condition of the Council’s 4,217 mile regional roads network.  
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Energy/ Business Services: Arise UK have been running information sessions in the area this week, to raise awareness of opportunities for people to carry out a range of business support functions for companies in a range of sectors (financial services, hospitality, retail etc) whilst based in their own homes.  A number of people attended the events in Thurso, Wick and Brora.  
Estimates of Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2012
The National Records of Scotland has released estimates of the number of households and dwellings in Scotland, including figures on occupied and vacant dwellings, second homes and trends in household types.   Figures published today show that the growth rate of households in Scotland is at its slowest rate in 10 years.  
EU CAP Mandate Agreed by EU
Scotland’s farmers should benefit from the new CAP which rewards activity, supports production and encourages greener choices.   The deal – which gives the EU Presidency a mandate to negotiate with the EU Parliament today (Wednesday) and agree a final package - should see new entrants benefit while slipper farmers lose out.  
Further evidence that GB needs Scottish energy to "keep lights on"Thumbnail for article : Further evidence that GB needs Scottish energy to
Responding to the publication today of Ofgem's Capacity Assessment Report, which shows ‘tightening electricity margins’, increased probability of supply disruption, and states that there is an “unprecedented challenge to secure supplies to consumers”, Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing highlighted the increasing importance of energy generation from Scotland to the whole GB market.   Ofgem estimated that the GB capacity margin - the gap between available capacity and peak demand – could fall to as low as 2% by 2015-2016 if projected declines in demand do not materialise.  
Scottish Government welcome islands' strike priceThumbnail for article : Scottish Government welcome islands' strike price
Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has welcomed today’s announcement of draft strike prices and a future capacity market by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).   Particularly welcome is the intention to bring forward a specific islands’ strike price as part of Electricity Market Reform (EMR) plans.  
Votes for 16s approved
A Bill that will give every 16 and 17 year old the right to add their voice to the most important decision made in Scotland in 300 years has been passed by the Scottish Parliament.   The Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill will ensure that everyone aged 16 and over on 18 September 2014 will be able to participate in the historic vote.  
Low carbon deal struck in Hong Kong
Scotland’s reputation as a global authority on low carbon technology will be internationally recognised today with the signing of an agreement with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.   Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s Minister for External Affairs and International Development, supported by Anne MacColl, chief executive of Scottish Development International (SDI), will witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Hong Kong.  
Increased funds to tackle climate change
More money will be made available to keep Scotland on track to meet its ambitious, world-leading and challenging targets.   Minister for Environment and Climate Change Paul Wheelhouse revealed the additional funding will be allocated from the forthcoming Scottish Government budget for 2014-2015 for schemes to help reduce the country’s carbon footprint.  
Rhoda Grant MSP Welcomes Renewable Energy Move by UK Government
Shadow Energy Minister, Rhoda Grant MSP has cautiously welcomed steps by the UK government towards special subsides for power generated on and around Scotland’s Islands by renewables.   In recent years the cost of connecting Island energy projects to the mainland electricity grid had slowed development.  
Post-16 education
Legislation to widen access to university and improve governance and accountability in colleges and universities has been passed by the Scottish Parliament.   The Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill, which was agreed today, means: Widening access agreements have legal backing Ministers can drive progress and identify priority groups for widening access Twelve regional chairs for the college sector will be appointed through the public appointment process College and university governing bodies will consider equality duties when appointing governors Government is paving the way for national pay bargaining in colleges Skills Development Scotland and its partners can share information to help prevent young people dropping out of education.