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"A raw deal for supply teachers"

8th February 2014

Posted by Scottish Supply Teachers on February 7, 2014 at 4:25 AM

A letter written by a Supply Teacher.

"A raw deal for supply teachers
Thursday 6 February 2014
IF the purpose of the latest offer on pay for Scottish supply teachers is to entice more of them back into the classroom then disappointment may lie ahead ("Pay row teachers to vote on new offer", The Herald, February 4).

The offer is that full pay be awarded after two days of work in any one school or class instead of the existing term of after five days or three days which was part of a deal rejected in the last EIS ballot.

I am on the supply lists in both the primary and secondary sector with a number of local authorities and have found that much of the work on offer involves one or two days. And in terms of the reality of what supply teaching is like in the classroom there is no logic or fairness in being paid less at the beginning of an assignment and more later on. It is hard work getting to grips with each new situation.

Along with many other supply teachers I am experienced and well qualified. We have not taken kindly to a cut in daily pay based on an annual salary of at least £34,200 down to one based on a salary of £17,100 if the additional cut in hours paid per day from seven to five is taken into account.

Supply teachers are expected to be on call, receive no sick pay or travel expenses. And for those paying into the teachers' final salary pension scheme further disadvantage is suffered, as a lower salary rate is taken into account in pension calculations.

Kay Smith"

As supply teachers feel dumped on in the last period with big pay reductions and schools struggling to get cover - See earlier letters at

Appeal For Supply Teachers - 8 February 2014