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News Archive

What do you use water for?
The way people in Scotland use water must change if we are to continue enjoying the healthy Scottish environment and adapt to climate change impacts.   The pressure we put on Scotland's water resources comes under the spotlight in a consultation report published today (9 October 2007) by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).  
Mey Selections latest employee signs off Christmas order from Caithness Biscuits in WickThumbnail for article : Mey Selections latest employee signs off Christmas order from Caithness Biscuits in Wick
Pictured above (left) is Wick baker, Stewart McConnach, producer of Mey Selections Shortbread, with Michael Gunn, Mey Selections newly appointed Retail Accounts Analyst and Tracy Waters, Business Development Manager.   Michael is seen congratulating Stewart on delivery of his shortbread, completing the first part of Caithness Biscuits contribution to the Mey Selections Sainsbury's Christmas order.  
Some may have seen the televison advert on STV announcing a Hee Haw donkey at the Opera CARMEN at Aberdeen on Tuesday 9th October and Wednesday 10th October.   Hee Haw Donkeys owner Marilyn Granville-Fall from Newlands of Niandt, Latheron says she is delighted to have been commissioned by the Ellen Kent International Opera, to provide a star donkey to appear at their stage performances of Bizet's Carmen at Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow.  
Hey, big spender!
The conviction of 'Lord Fraud' Conrad Black in the USA on three charges of fraud and one of obstructing the course of justice has brought the question of corporate extravagance into sharp focus, once again.   Just where do executives and directors draw the line when travelling on business or entertaining clients and customers? Stephen Fox, a fraud defence expert and partner at national law firm, Ralli Solicitors, has drawn up this10-point rule-of-thumb guide for those with a business expense account.  
Cheats Landing Better Jobs
BLAGGERS are bagging better jobs than honest workers because of slack hiring policies in British businesses, warn employment experts.   A report* by the CIPD revealed a quarter of employers in the UK withdrew at least one job offer in the last year after discovering someone had lied or otherwise misrepresented their application.  
Quoybrae - Store Sheep Sale - 4th October 2007
QUOYBRAE, Aberdeen & Northern Marts (4th October) sold 6,852 Store Sheep Ewe Lambs (1,108) averaged £28.17 and sold to £51 for Half-Breds from C MacAdie & Sons, Skaill, Thurso Wedder Lambs (1,275) averaged £22.63 and sold to £30 for Half-Breds from J Banks, The Broo, John O'Groats.   Cross Lambs (4,023) averaged £26.55 and sold to £34 for Suffolks from A S Budge, Milton Farm, Halkirk.  
Caithness Cattle Heavily Featured In Dingwall & Highland Marts Show And Sale Of Store Cattle
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (4th October 2007) sold 1,119 store and over thirty month cattle at their show and sale including special Aberdeen Angus section.   The judge Mr Neil Anderson, Inverlochty, Elgin chose an 18 month, 495kg Charolais cross heifer as his champion from Upper Latheron, Caithness, which realised £700 to C Maciver, Easter Strath of Auchterflow.  
North Highland Regeneration Fund Announces Another £1million From NDA
The chairman of the North Highland Regeneration Fund, John Thurso MP in his opening remarks at T3UK on 4th October 2007announced a further £1 million of funds are to be made available to add to the working capital of £500,000 that was injected when the company was set up a year ago.   John Thurso enthusiastically welcomed the latest injection of funds by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.  
Survey Reveals That Employers In Scotland Don't Care About STRESS
A staggering 54 per cent of employees in Scotland believe that their employer doesn't care how stressed they are at work, according to the results of a new independent survey commissioned by healthcare provider HealthSure.   Unsurprisingly, work-related stress continues to increase and remains one of the biggest issues facing employers in the modern working environment.  
Poland to Inverness Air Service Survey Results
The conclusions of a survey on the potential demand for a new air service between Inverness and Poland were published on Thursday 4th October 2007.  Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) recently invited people to complete an online survey to find out how many people would be likely to use such a service.  
Particles Could Be Cleaned Up Earlier Than Expected
The clean-up operation for radioactive particles offshore could be substantially complete within seven years while onshore monitoring with removal of detected particles would continue for a longer period if UKAEA's recommended way forward is accepted.   Following a review of all the information gained from public consultation, studies, test & trials, independent expert reports, improvements in the monitoring technologies and the knowledge gained by offshore mapping surveys, it is believed that an environmentally and publicly acceptable clean up could be achieved within this timescale.  
The Prince of Wales has raised over half a million pounds for British farmers directly affected by the latest outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease.   Leading supermarkets such as ASDA, Marks & Spencer and Waitrose have made substantial contributions, as have the Co-operative, Musgrave, Booths, Unilever, Cadbury Schweppes and the national food service distributor 3663.  
Scotland Meets It's Landfill Target
Waste has been a hot topic in the media recently.  With television shows, news reports and events all highlighting the issue of the need to reduce the waste we produce and it seems the message is getting through.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale Dates Starting 4th October
DINGWALL AUCTION MART Thursday 4th October at 11.00 a.m.  - annual show and sale of 1000 store cattle including AA section (includes 300 from Caithness) Friday 5th October at 10.00 a.m.  
Dounreay Apprentices Receive Their CertificatesThumbnail for article : Dounreay Apprentices Receive Their Certificates
This year's Dounreay Apprentices Indenture ceremony took place on 21 September in the Pentland Hotel.   Ten apprentices, from UKAEA and Johnson Controls, received their certificates from John Thurso MP, the guest speaker.  
Dounreay Apprentices WinnersThumbnail for article : Dounreay Apprentices Winners
This year's Dounreay Apprentices Indenture ceremony took place on 21 September in the Pentland Hotel.   Ten apprentices, from UKAEA and Johnson Controls, received their certificates from John Thurso MP, the guest speaker.  
LOCHMADDY, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 24 September 2007
LOCHMADDY, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (24th September 2007) sold 3,208 sheep of all classes including 70 breeding rams.   Lambs (2,786) averaged £21.67 to a top of £37 gross for Texel crosses from No.  
Wick, Pulteneytown Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme
The first grant assisted project under the £1.5 M Historic Scotland award to The Highland Council for work within the Pulteneytown Outstanding Conservation Area, in Wick has recently been completed.   Timber sash and case windows and a six panel timber door have been re-introduced into a listed building at 15 Argyle Square and already the owners have been applauded by members of the public for the enhancement this has made to this historic square.  
National Skills Academy for Nuclear Approved by Government
An employer-led proposal has won government approval from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) for the creation of a National Skills Academy for Nuclear.   The announcement made by the Skills Minister David Lammy, 24th September 2007, follows the evaluation of a detailed business plan which was submitted to the DIUS in May 2007.  
Photography Workshop Aimed At Improving Portraits
Local award winning professional photographer John Baikie will be running a workshop aimed at improving the standard of portrait photography by amateurs.   The photography workshop will be held on Saturday 13th October and will feature on photographing people.