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Local Authority News

Two Caithness Takeaways Closed By Highland Council Environmental Health
Joint operation identifies poor standards of food safety and staff living accommodation.   Highland Council Environmental Health Officers were required to take formal enforcement action regarding poor standards of food safety during a recent multi-agency operation led by Immigration Enforcement.  
It's a Recycling Centre, not a dump!Thumbnail for article : It's a Recycling Centre, not a dump!
Highland Council residents are being urged to remember to recycle when they visit Recycling Centres.  Historically, the general public have viewed Recycling Centres as the ‘dump' or the ‘tip’, however times have changed and with the need to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill and increase how much we all recycle, the Council would like encourage householders to take the time to separate their items before they go to a Recycling Centre.  
Visitor levy (Tourist Tax) consultation welcomed
The Scottish Government's announcement of a consultation on the introduction of a visitor levy ("tourist tax") has been welcomed by The Highland Council.   Convener Bill Lobban recently gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament's Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee, where he emphasised the importance of tourism to the Highlands.  
New Chief Exec Appointed To The Highland Council - Donna MansonThumbnail for article : New Chief Exec Appointed To The Highland Council - Donna Manson
The Highland Council has appointed a new Chief Executive.  The successful candidate is Donna Manson, currently Service Director for Children and Young People in the Scottish Borders.  
Trade Unions Recommend Reject Vote On Revised Local Government Pay Offer
Local services throughout Scotland could be plunged into crisis after - UNISON, Unite and the GMB - wrote to COSLA to say they will recommend their members reject their revised pay offer when they consult them in the coming weeks.   The revised pay offer, made by COSLA on 6th September 2018, was a 3% increase for all local government workers earning up to £80,000, but the trade unions are angry that this is below inflation and does not improve low pay.  
Highland Council Considers Planning For 3-year Budget Gap
The Highland Council has agreed to plan for a potential budget gap of £66.7 million over the next three years.   It was agreed by Members in June to develop plans for a multi-year budget for the next 3 financial years (2019-22) to meet the challenge of a potential funding gap dependent on a wide range of variables.  
Response to Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme Consultation
Members have discussed the consultation and proposed response to a review of the structure of the Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme.   The Highland Council Pension Fund is one of eleven constituent funds of the Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme.  
Council seeks new staff to ensure Highland's children get the best start in life
The Highland Council is looking for experienced staff or existing managers to drive the Early Learning and Childcare initiative forward, to ensure our youngest children get the best start in life and are ready to succeed.   The Council will be almost doubling the provision of early learning and childcare over the next two years.  
Highland Council supports moves to improve local democracy
The Highland Council is encouraging local community groups to participate in the Scottish Government's Local Governance Review.   Members have today considered the work to date preparing for The Highland Council's contribution to the Local Governance Review.  
Leadership Award Secures Funding For DevelopmentThumbnail for article : Leadership Award Secures Funding For Development
High Life Highland today announced that it has been successful in an application to the Year of Young People National Lottery Fund, to support its HLH Leadership Programme.  "Choose to Lead" will be a Leadership Award that will be recognised by the SCQF Framework and accreditation of the award will be carried out by the University of The Highlands and Islands.  
Positive progress on strategic review of public conveniencesThumbnail for article : Positive progress on strategic review of public conveniences
Progress on the Highland Council's review of its public conveniences has been welcomed by the Council's Administration.   Councillor Allan Henderson, Chair of the Council's Environment Development and Infrastructure Committee said: "It's important that we put the review into context and acknowledge that Highland Council is the largest provider of public conveniences in the UK.  
Wick High school positive destination news welcomed by Caithness CouncillorsThumbnail for article : Wick High school positive destination news welcomed by Caithness Councillors
Caithness Councillors have welcomed information that shows progress being made in respect of destinations of pupils on leaving Wick High School in recent years.  The information was presented at the Caithness Area Committee meeting held in Wick on Tuesday 28 August.  
Highland Council Takes Action To Address Overspends In Its Budget
The Corporate Revenue Monitoring Statement for Quarter 1 (Apr - June 18), has been considered by the Council's Corporate Resources Committee.  The paper sets out actions to address the projected 1% overspend of £5.1m.  
New Probationer Teachers In HighlandThumbnail for article : New Probationer Teachers In Highland
One hundred and nineteen probationer teachers were recently welcomed to the Highlands at an Induction Course held in Smithton Free Church Hall.   We were also delighted to welcome a group of 13 new Canadian teachers, recruited through our agency partners TimePlan Education who will work in our primary and secondary schools across the authority.  
Highland Council Budget Leader Announces Further Squeeze on SpendingThumbnail for article : Highland Council Budget Leader Announces Further Squeeze on Spending
Budget Leader highlights early action required to address overspend.   The Corporate Revenue Monitoring Statement for Quarter 1 (Apr - June 18), which will go to the Council's Corporate Resources Committee next week, is projecting a £5.1 m overspend for the year.  
Council to consult on set school Easter holiday
A proposal to set a fixed school holiday for the first 2 weeks in April each year from 2019 onwards will go out to consultation by The Highland Council's Care and Learning Service.   The service will consult with Head Teachers, Parent Councils, the Local Negotiating Committee for Teacher representatives and other relevant educational establishments in Highland.  
Council to consult on closure of Altnaharra Primary School
Members of The Highland Council's Care, Learning and Housing Committee have agreed for the Council to conduct a statutory consultation on a proposal to discontinue the provision of education at Altnaharra Primary School and to formally close the school.   In a report to committee, Councillors were informed that the school has been mothballed since February 2017 and that there are no prospective pupils in the foreseeable future, and no long term prospect of the school having a viable roll.  
Science Skills Academy progress welcomed by Councillors
Progress on the development of the ground-breaking Science Skills Academy initiative in Highland has been welcomed by Members of The Highland Council's Care, Learning and Housing Committee.   Councillor Andrew Baxter, Chair of the Care, Learning and Housing Committee said: "I commend the work that the Science Skills Academy is achieving in bringing exciting opportunities for young people to experience the applicability of STEM subjects.  
5-year Parking Policy for Highland drives forward
A 5 year Parking Policy and Guidance for The Highland Council area has been approved by Members of the Council's Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee.   The policy, which is required by the local authority to underpin its enforcement of decriminalised parking will cover the period from 2018 - 2023.  
Winter service policy approved for Highland Council roads
The Winter Service Policy for The Highland Council this coming winter 2018/19 has been approved by Members of the Council's Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee.   The Council's policy relates to clearing and gritting of Highland Council adopted roads, cycle ways, footways and footpaths.