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News Archive

Oban Man Is Recognised As A Top UK Entrepreneur
THE founder of an Oban-based marine biotechnology company - whose groundbreaking work could lead to a cure for MRSA - has been officially recognised as one of the top entrepreneurs in Britain.   Dr Andrew Mearns Spragg, chief executive officer of Aquapharm Biodiscovery Limited, was one of the five regional finalist candidates, in the science and technology sector, to win a place in the national finals of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards.  
Unst Hydrogen Venture Goes From Strength To Strength
The Pure Energy Centre (PEC) in Unst, Shetland is growing globally, helping to put the Shetland Islands on the map for innovative renewable energy and hydrogen developments.   The PEC grew from the Pure Energy Project set up by the Unst Partnership and has seen the development of the first community-owned off-grid renewable hydrogen system in the world.  
Caithness Chamber Of Commerce Reinvigorated With £150,000
The Caithness Chamber of Commerce has been reinvigorated thanks to a cash injection from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).   The funding will be supporting a new Chamber which now plans to appoint a Chief Executive to lead the Chamber forward to ensure a single voice for the Caithness business community and bring individual groups together under one umbrella organisation.  
Launch Of 2008/09 Rural Leadership Programme
Scottish Enterprise (SE) in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) are launching the successful Rural Leadership Programme (RLP) for the third consecutive year.  Recruitment is taking place immediately, with the programme running throughout the winter/spring of 2008/09 and a follow up conference completing the programme to take place in early summer 2009.  
SEPA Waives Sheep Dip Charges
Farmers disposing of spent sheep dip will save money this year, after the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) waived the second instalment of its annual groundwater licence charge.   The move is one of the first tangible benefits to emerge from Scotland's Environmental and Rural Services (SEARS), a new partnership between the Scottish Government and agencies such as SEPA.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 15 October 2008
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (October, 15th) sold 1,709 weaned calves at their special annual district ballot show and sale.   The judge, Mr R.  
Caithness Partnership Bus Passenger Survey
A survey of over 300 bus users in Caithness was carried out during this summer by Caithness Partnership in conjunction with Stagecoach and showed that Caithness people felt the service could be improved with more frequent buses and better timetabling, better access to vehicles for less physically able people and more services in the rural areas of the county.   Caithness Partnership Bus Passenger Survey in Conjunction With Stagecoach in Caithness Question 1 On Average how often do you use your local bus service? Few Times per week 96 Less Often 77 Few Times per month 66 Never 60 Daily 47 Not disclosed 11 Total Number Responses 357 Question 2 What prevents you from using the bus more often? Don't operate at suitable times 139 Don't serve where I need to travel to/from 87 Happy with local bus services 69 Buses not comfortable 66 Buses not reliable 59 Not aware of appropriate services 57 Fares are too expensive 52 Not wheelchair/buggy friendly 39 No response 22 Other Comments 3/4 mile from bus stop no need to travel on bus No evening or Sunday buses in county Disabled steps too high, would travel if I could get on them Steps in most buses creates a great and dangerous disadvantage to the elderly and disabled.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 14 October 2008
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (October, 14th) sold 54 prime cattle.  Prime bullocks (21) averaged 160.5p (-2.8p) and sold to 172p per kg and £1,097.25 gross.  
New Contract Advertising Portal - Public Contracts Scotland
The Scottish Government launched a new on-line contract advertising portal, Public Contracts Scotland on 1st October 2008.   This free service will be available to all Scottish public sector organisations and will be used as a one-stop-shop to publish contract opportunities.  
Communities Urged To Apply For Rural Development Funding
COMMUNITIES IN HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS URGED TO APPLY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDING Rural community groups in Highlands and Islands are invited to come forward to apply for funding to support and grow the rural economy, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said today.   A total of £19.2 million 'convergance' funding for regional development has been awarded to seven Local Actions Groups (LAGs) in the Highlands and Islands in recognition of its previous status as a disadvantaged and remote area.  
Orkney Jewelllers Increasing Sales Despite Global Downturn
Scotland's biggest manufacturer of gold and silver jewellery is marking the run up to Christmas by launching eight new collections and opening two new stores.   Ortak has recorded sales of just under £5 million since January, a 9.7% increase compared to the same period last year.  
Fire Your Business Forward
Relight your business spark and fire your business forward Fusion, the organisation which encourages entrepreneurship in the Highlands and Islands, is hosting its annual conference "Light Your Fire" 2008 at Aviemore Highland Resort on 20th and 21st November 2008 and welcomes Scotland's "curry king", Dr Charan Gill MBE, as keynote speaker.   The two day networking event aims to inspire, encourage and support Highlands and Islands businesses into generating new innovative business ideas.  
Treasury Statement On Financial Support To The Banking Industry
With continuing exceptional instability in the global financial markets, the Government is today taking decisive action, by implementing the comprehensive set of measures it announced on 8 October, to make commercial investments in UK banks and building societies to help stabilise their position and support the long term strength of the economy.   The overall aim of these measures is to support stability in the financial system; to protect ordinary savers, depositors, businesses and borrowers; and to safeguard the interests of the taxpayer.  
The Big Green Challenge
a talking point for teenagers in the Highlands and Islands An innovative project by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is helping pupils across Scotland to gain a better understanding and awareness of renewable energy.   More than 120 S1 & S3 students from 25 schools across the Highlands and Islands are putting their talking skills to the test in The Big Green Challenge debating competition.  
New Kerbside Recycling Collections for Rural Areas in Caithness
The Highland Council has invested in a new vehicle and crew to expand the recycling routes in the far north.  Caithness will be the first area in the Highlands to receive the Council's new kerbside recycling collection for rural areas.  
Portrait Sessions For The Family - Local Photographer Angus Mackay
Would you like to get a portrait of your child or children, or get that photo of family or friends that you've talked about? If so, book a sitting with Angus at the Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster on Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th October.   Introductory sitting fee is only £40, and includes a 12"x8" print, with images available to view on-line, and additional prints in various sizes starting at only £5 for a 9"x6".  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 10 October 2008
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (October, 10th) sold 4,487 breeding ewes and lambs at their annual Blackface & Cross ewes, gimmers, ewe lambs sale.  Blackface ewes (2,781) sold to £92 gross for correct ewes from Lairgandour, Daviot.  
Dingwall and Highland Marts Ltd - Blackface Rams Sale 10 October 2008
Dingwall, Dingwall and Highland Marts Ltd., (October, 10th) sold 138 Blackface rams at their PK Nutrition sponsored show and sale.  The judge, Mr J.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 7 October 2008
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (October, 7th) sold 63 prime cattle.  Prime bullocks (30) averaged 163.3p (+4.3p) and sold to 173p per kg and £1,236.70 gross.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Special Sale - 8 October 2008
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., held a special sale of 1890 store lambs on behalf of Lewis Livestock Producers.  Lambs (1890) sold to £53.50 gross for Texel crosses from High Borve, Isle of Lewis.